Feel those colours changing // the beauty of speed

May 28, 2007 03:15

Hayden Panettiere, who plays Claire on Heroes, is two years younger than me.

Wow. I feel all grown up, now.

Also, I really hate that fact that when I finally do find some really good Peter/Claire fic, I can't think of anything else to say than, "You just broke my heart". Because that's what it does. I think I might have a thing for doomed pairings.

In other news, my attempts to find something to write about in my American History paper have taken me from Roe v. Wade through Reagan to McCarthyism. And you know what? Once I got started it wasn't so bad at all - the politics geek in me just takes over.

Now I just need a bloody thesis statement. *sighs*

I'm a bit apprehensive about this, though. Dale Carter will be aiding my seminar teacher in grading these papers and he's taught a course on the subject (Better Dead than Red: American Anti-Communism) so this has to be done properly.

Heh. Here's a quote from a book on anti-communism:
"There followed several years of sensational attacks by HUAC on Hollywood that finally revealed little, except possibly the modest intelligence of some actors." (Abundance & Anxiety: America, 1945-1960 by Gary A. Donaldson)

*sniggers* History snark is the best.

Onto more serious subjects: I found a really horrifying example of racism during the Cold War.

* * *

Bailey was also asked about a wartime letter she had witten to the Red Cross protesting the segregation of white and African-American blood (Bontecou, 1953: 138-40). Because the Communist party had been strongly committed to racial equality, many loyalty investigators believed that party members could be identified by their support for civil rights and participation in interracial activities. Thus, it was not uncommon for loyalty-security investigators to ask African Americans, "Have you ever had dinner with a mixed group?" "Have you ever danced with a white girl?" That such questions also revealed these investigators' underlying racism is painfully obvious. As he was grilling an ex-Communist sailor about his party connections, a Coast Guard interrogator insisted,

Now, Owen, you have to tell us more than that. You are not
one of these Niggers that come up here from the Marine
Cooks & Stewards who have signed petitions, written
letters, and even joined the Party in order to get a little job
security and in order to be able to go up in the union hall
and strut around in a cocky manner.

From "McCarthyism: Political Repression and the Fear of Communism" by Ellen Schrecker

* * *

That was around 1948, as far as I can tell. Sometimes it's too easy to forget that it's only 52 years ago that Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white man.

That's not even a lifetime.

Also: "Taft’s supporters dug deep into their bag of dirty tricks and began spreading rumors that Mamie Eisenhower was an alcoholic, that the general had been romantically involved with his wartime secretary, Kay Summersby, and that he was Jewish, or that he was Catholic and had been baptized by the pope." (Abundance & Anxiety : America, 1945-1960.)

American elections. *rolls eyes*

So, after spending far too much time on getting myself a new mood theme (but this must always be done at night so no one sees my few hours with a Plus account), I'm off to bed. But yay! It's a Peter Petrelli mood theme! *is a fangirl*

3 am. This isn't good. I'm supposed to meet my study group tomorrow!

racism, exam stress, history!snark, history geekery

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