Just yesterday I declared I was going to post frequently, and I WAS. Except then I found out I actually had to go to Philly and only have gotten time to post now. So instead you get a meme while I finish reading Zombies vs Unicorns.
Directions: Tag whoever you want and answer if you feel like it...
1. First thing you wash in the shower? Your mom.
2. What color is your favorite hoodie? It's not the color that makes it my favorite, its the fact that its made out of hemp and recycled plastic.
3. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Supercalifragilisticexpealadocious.
4. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? A random assortment of unconnected people that I've known throughout my life were all cast in a play with me. I was cast as Sir Isaac. I don't actually know what play it was, but feel free to leave SUGGESTIONS.
5. Did you meet anybody new today? Yes, but only because people are irresistibly compelled to meet Choco.
6. What are you craving right now? I am already watching Law and Order SVU.
7. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? Brainz.
8. Are you emotional? I am like a ROCK. A rock that is getting hit in the face with a drunken cat. Make of that what you will.
9. Have you ever counted to 1,000? Backwards even, while singing about some idiot who put beer on the wall.
10. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? THERE'S ICE CREAM? Where?
11. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? I think it would be more interesting if young adult author Maureen Johnson went.
12. What are you listening to right now? Law and Order SVU. Still. Again. Always.
20. Would you go sky diving? I do not jump out of PERFECTLY GOOD planes, as a rule.
21. Do you like cottage cheese? Braaaaainz
22. Have you ever met a celebrity? It's entirely possible that we have very different definitions of "celebrity".
23. Do you rent movies often? I have recently joined Team Netflix, but instead of movies I just keep watching SVU.
24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in? I'm more into SHINEY, but sparkly is good too. Unless you mean Edward Cullen.
25. How many countries have you visited? A few.
26. Brown or white eggs? It's hard to tell after they're all scrambled and cheesy, and that's really the only part that matters.
27. Do you have a cellphone? No, I have an iPhone. You're welcome Apple.
28. Do you own a gun? *smiles*
29. Can you use chop sticks? Use them for WHAT precisely... I could probably make some sort of popsicle-stick-equivalent art piece...
30. Who are you going to be with tonight? Your mom.
31. Last time you cried? *glares at Mockingjay* I blame Suzanne Collins.
32. Favorite time of the year? Your mom.
33. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? It's funny you should mention that, I recently decided that the best reality show of the future is going to be Punk'd meets Butterfly Effect, in which Ashton Kutcher will travel back in time to punk himself again and again.
34. Ever walked into a wall? Hey, I didn't make fun of YOU when YOU had retinal surgery and couldn't see stuff like walls.
35. Favorite colors? Yes.
36. Have you ever slapped someone? *smiles*
37. Where was your default picture taken? By your mom.
38. Can you hula hoop? Hula hoops are surprisingly popular as a workout activity around these parts. Not the flimsy kind, mind you, thick ones made out of PVC piping and decorated with various multicolor tapes.
39. Have you ever crawled through a window? Obviously.