
Feb 04, 2012 23:12

Apparently our desire is to still know each other even after the move - both in the modern day sense of "ken" and in the biblical way. ... ;) (sorry, I couldn't resist).

I did have my own words thrown back at me - those from the very beginning of the dance of I am not free while Squidge is in high school, that a relationship of hit and miss is all I can manage for the next several years. Do love a man who's canny enough to use my own words on me in the right time and in the right way :D he had me laughing in agreement of yes, I did indeed say and mean that. The boss man almost threw a rock in my window of short sighted happiness by wanting him completely moved in to Vegas by March 6th. ... !!!! You know I was frozen a moment, yes? and then he said that he explained how literally impossible that was considering the need to sell the house, get moved and continue the work he's doing in AZ, so a short reprieve. And talk of the relative ease of getting to Vegas in both physical accessibility and cost. Stubborn people working in concert to a common goal do frequently get what they want. I am stronger on stubborn than actual knowledge of how to rob the train but he is good w both; he promised to take me to the Grand Canyon, I've never been and have always wanted to go. ... I may actually fight for this thing.

And again, a slide along the collaring .... I never know if I'm being felt out or just mis-reading. I think it is just dreaming on both sides, in that alternate universe where we actually are living the life we'd half like to live, it happens there ;)

six, i like dreamin' cuz dreaming can make yo

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