Originally published at
The Phoenix Nest. You can comment here or
Ok, I managed to break a number of things in the simultaneous change of server & blogging system. Some of them have now been fixed:
LiveJournal should be picking up the updated feed again, now I’ve made it look in the right place. Apologies to those who read this from over there if all the old posts appear again.
I’ve also fixed the comments system, so people can start slating my site to my face again. :-p
Things not yet fixed:
Recent Entries
Pinging blo.gs et al on update
Blogshares (not actually my fault, as far as I can tell)
Old comments still aren’t viewable, but I’ll fix that at some point. Probably after I get back from the US.
I’m sure there’s more that I need to do, but that’s enough for now, I think. :-)