Thank god Sanjaya didn't win Idol...

May 26, 2007 15:03

I liked Lakisha during the top 24 weeks. But as the show went on, I gradually lost interest in her. She IMO started as a brilliant singer with a big voice to one who sounded just okay. Meanwhile, Melinda is a great singer; great control of her voice - but I've never liked her (even if she is a consistent singer). I don't know, she just doesn't have the 'likeability' factor like Blake or Jordin - to me anyway. She sounds like she belongs to the 70's or something. It's not a bad thing, just not my thing. Blake on the other hand - his beatboxing is so cool and like the judges had said so many times, he is contemporary and current. His version of 'You Give Love a Bad Name' was totally wicked! However, even though I really like him, Jordin sings a whole lot better than he does. Being second isn't really a bad thing though. He might sell more albums than Jordin.

The difference of their heights never cease to amuse me.

I know there are plenty of people who thought that the producers should have given the final two different songs to sing (I agree with them too). Blake and Jordin are after all, very different singers. However, the song was picked because the viewers voted for it.

... and that's why, Jordin is rightful winner of American Idol, after all, she did sing the song better than Blake. I liked her from the very beginning and I have rooted for her ever since Diana Ross's Week.

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One of my two favourite Idol songs. 'A Moment Like This' is the other. Both rather cheesy though XP

It's not because Jordin is young, or because she is a gorgeous girl with an infectious smile; it's because she never failed to give me goosebumps (I'm not kidding!), week after week (which only happened a handful of times for the past few seasons). She has this amazing voice. When she sang 'This Is My Now' at the finale, I was totally blown away. Even if it wasn't her best performance, and it was shaky at parts because she was crying, she put so much emotion into her singing, she nearly made me tear up too.

My shouts and squeals of "YESSSSSS!" and "WOOHOOO!" must have been heard by my neighbours from the opposite block.

By the way, anyone noticed the absence of choir back-up singers this year?

show: ai

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