In the Stream :: PG-13
Summary: After the war, Draco finds he has at least one saleable skill, and takes up as a Seer. Harry has a question, and Draco has a problem.
Length: Long One-Shot
Category: Post-DH (EWE)
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Loved the subtlety of the author's writing and her characterisations were wonderful. Draco is just snobbish and petty enough to be believable as a grown up version of canon!Draco, and Harry's frustration and Gryffindorish tendencies were spot on. The dynamics between both characters were just awesome! But the thing I like best about this is how the author didn't give them an easy, perfect ending but instead, ended the story with a beginning.
It’s a Dirty Job :: NC-17
Summary: Harry Potter wakes up after a night of debauchery to discover that he has a new employee.
Length: One-Shot
Category: Post-Hogwarts
Draco is a chimney sweep! CHIMNEY SWEEP. That alone is reason to read it, yes? This was just delightful! I couldn't stop LOLing at all the corny pick up lines, chimney jokes, and the interactions between the boys - funny and sweet and sexy!
A Matter of PreText, ConText, and Misconceptions :: NC-17
Summary: Marriage suffering a slow death by silence, career taking a drastic downwards turn, Harry re-analyzes his life through one of the best methods he knows: wanking and porn and wanking to porn. It’s not becoming an addiction, it’s not.
Length: Long One-Shot
Warnings: infidelity, professional misconduct, passing mention of heterosexual sex.
Category: Post-DH
What a compelling read! I love how the infidelity in this story is handled - the growing apart between Ginny and Harry, the silence - these are written in such a real and convincing way. I also enjoyed the emotional undercurrents between our boys, and how Harry learn to overcome his personal challenges, grow into fatherhood and most importantly, learn how to love someone without fear of losing them. Draco was lovely in this - it's great how Harry seems to be the only person that could get under Draco's skin, and the love Draco has for his child melts my heart.