I'm dead, really. *shifty eyes*

Aug 15, 2007 00:39

Just popping in for a moment to let everyone know that I am indeed alive (and kicking hard when I'm cranky).

I'm basically stuck in my house for the most part at the moment. I have been failing spectacularly at pretty much everything, or so it feels. I have panic attacks, random insomnia, really bad moods and crankiness (especially in the later afternoon and evening) .... And now I got a bad cold for my birthday. How utterly sweet of life.

I'm still trying out the MAOI. It's better than nothing, but I'm obviously not functional yet. We're probably going to axe the lamictol soon because I've been on it for ages and I still think it does squat. We'll see. My doc's got a few ideas for what might be a better augmentation to the MAOI.

So no, I'm not dead, I'm just hiding in my cave. I will come back out of hibernation when my winter's over. Hopefully.


life, meds

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