I should have probably posted something about this earlier but I was busy working on it. And that would be www.vgradar.com, a site I have created.
So What is it? I hear all of you asking. Well you know when you look for a release date for a game or your just wondering what games come out this month. What do you usually do to find it? Cruse over to gamespot or some other news site for games right? Or do you try the official site? Ether thing you try you often have to search threw the website to get what your looking for.
Well no more my friends! With
vgradar all you have to do is click the system you have and check out the calendar presented to you. Game not coming out this month? Check the next or use the nifty search feature at the bottom of the calendar.
It slices, it dices, it makes julienne fries!
In other news, my birthday was on the 21st. I'm now 27, each year I feel like I'm getting older, gah.