Found a little
site that helps you learn stuff, or at least it is suppose to help you learn stuff.
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I never believed in cramming as a way to learn info. You really almost never learn anything that way. Instead you remember the info for a day maybe two and you forget it. And for the most part that is how they teach you things in high school. They teach you something one day and something new the next with a little review (sometimes) of what you did the last day, take a test at the end of the month. Pass or fail you never hear about that stuff again until the end of the year. To me it does not make a lick of sense to teach like that.
I never studied in school, EVER. And even though I would fail or get D's in school I almost never failed a test (most of the time I scored better then average). You may ask why I didn't get good grades in school then. Lack of participation, I never did homework (or any school work for that matter), and most of the time I slept threw the classes.
You may also ask how someone that did nothing for school be able to pass tests. Honestly, I have no idea. I did do one thing in school that I suppose helped me. Whenever I got a text book I would skim threw it and read whatever I found interesting. If whatever was being taught caught my interest I would pay attention, if not I would open a text book and find something that was more interesting. You would be amazed at how mad a teacher can get when you open a text book for a subject they are not teaching, most of the time they get more upset over that then sleeping in there class.
I suppose you could call this studying, but really it didn't feel like it. For me it was just reading something I found amusing at the time.
I suppose that may explain why my spelling and grammar is so horrid, that shit just ain't very interesting.