Roller Derby Training - Practice Week - Day Three (but not really)

Mar 19, 2014 14:41

I can't do this right now. I just don't have the time, motivation, or mental stability to stick to a strict eating/exercise program right now. There are things happening in my life right now that I need to work through before I can add anything else to my plate. I'm not giving up Roller Derby. I think I need it right now. I'm still going to try and eat healthy (AKA, not driving through Sonic or ordering Pizza Hut every other night, trying to drink more water and less soda, etc.), and I'm still committed to going to Roller Derby practice as often as possible. I'm not giving up on this; I'm just taking a break from "Training". I'm still going to blog here as well. Maybe not every day, but if I have a good Derby practice or something, I'll definitely want to record that.

I woke up late again today. At around 7:00am, I got up, and got a shower, but then I laid back down until about 12:00pm. I just couldn't drag myself out of bed today. I got dressed, took the trash out, and headed to work. Here's what I brought with me to eat:

2 XS Energy Drinks (drank both)
5 Bottles of Water (drank one)
2 Apples (ate both)
3/4 can of cashews (about 1 1/2 cups) (ate the rest of the can)
4 string cheese sticks (ate them all)
5 oz chicken
1 cup broccoli

I don't know if I will eat/drink all of it (I probably won't), but that is what I have on hand. I'll edit later with what actually got eaten. Until next time! ^_^

P.S. I actually did have girl scout cookies when I got home. I had 5 Peanut Butter Patties, 5 Caramel Delights, and 4 pre-cut slices of Extra Sharp white American cheese. I think I just felt like I already screwed up, might as well drive the final nail in the coffin. I know that's a horrible attitude to have, but it's how I felt.

EDIT: I just realized that I had comments set to registered users only (meaning you have to be logged into an LJ account to post comments). I fixed it now, so if you've posted a comment before, please post it again, because I didn't get it.
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