Much the same as last week I don't have much commentary for Eureka. Welcome Felicia Day! Yay TARDIS reference. OMG poor Jo, I'm amazed she had anything left to be destroyed again. I still kind of wish this whole alternate timeline storyline could be trashed except for Kevin and Henry.
Warehouse 13: Nice, now we have a foursome which means we can have double the artifacts and related hijinks! OMG Claudia and New Guy partnered up with Claudia pulling rank = all my love forever. When Jinks told Claudia he was gay I may have, um, clapped. Like, applause. I really liked the way Jinks was able to sort of mediate things between Claudia and Artie. Kid!Pete was so adorable I wanted to hug him lots and lots.
Alphas is starting to hit my right buttons. I'm still not completely warming to the characters but I like the part of its core that is about looking at human behavior. I've been interested a long time in the idea that conspiracy theories spring from people who find the random chaos of life difficult to deal with to the point where they end up looking for ways to deny it. This episode touched on that a little, as well as the idea that when someone has the ability to easily pick up on patterns they can end up looking for them everywhere, and the more they do that the more difficult it can be sometimes to remember that sometimes patterns are formed by random chance. Also, any show using the line, "No one is born broken" is going to get some approval from me.
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