Dark Night (writer's block buster)

May 02, 2023 02:03

After a long, passion filled night I can feel her tears hitting my chest in the darkness. I reach up and gently brush a tears from her soft cheek  "Why are you crying Angel?" I ask softly as I run my other hand through her long, black hair though I can't see it. Her body is hidden from me by the shadows of the dark night.
"It's nothing love" she replies softly but in actuality.. there is much more going through her head as she leans down and buries her face in the side of her lover's neck. "I'm sorry the last words you are going to hear in this world is a lie." She thinks to herself sadly as she inhales softly against his neck. She can smell the scent of their recent lovemaking in the air, as well as the scent of his sweat. but the sweetest scent of all.. no Human can smell; it is the scent of the life's blood running through his veins. She places a soft kiss on the main artery of his neck and the last thing he feels is her needle sharp fangs sink into his flesh and her hand pressing down on his chest as he instinctively arches his back as her fangs slide home. After a few moments she detracts her fangs from his neck and says in a low, sad tone of voice "i'm sorry that the only sort of angel I can be is the angel of death."

dark, writer's block. random story. vamp

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