Registration and other things

Jan 13, 2005 11:58

Yesterday, I finally register for classes for next semester. Here are my classes:

EMAC 372: Processing & Testing Lab M 0430p-0545p
W 1130a-0230p

EMAC 399: Polymer Sci & Engr Proj II

EBME 350: Quantitative Molecular BioEng TR 1000a-1115a

EMSE 360: Materials Transport Phenomena MW 0200p-0315p

If anyone notices something wrong with this schedule, then good job for you. My lab was determined on the first day of class which even with my objection. In theory, it should take only two and a half hours for the lab. Also, there's a theme to my three actual classes. I'll give a hint: it's in one of the class names.

Also Tuesday afternoon, I was sleeping on and off from like 2 to 6. I woke up around 6 pm and I thought that it was 6 am. My monitor was the only thing on. I should realize my mistake earlier when I usually wake up around 6 am that my TV, monitor, and lights are all on. Extreme lack of decent sleep does weird things to the mind.
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