KatanagatariKatanagatariKatanagatri - I can't get over it!

Feb 17, 2011 23:59

I haven't felt like turning on my computer lately ... And, truthfully, the only reason it's on now was because I needed to charge my iPod XD

Anyway, not a lot has been happening lately - my mind is still going "KATANAGATARI!" at me, as you could probably tell by the title ... But I haven't let myself re-watch the series. I will, in fact ... As soon as I'm done watching the 3rd season of The Big Bang Theory, I fully intend to watch it again, only I'm dling the episodes so I can watch it in fansub form instead. ... In the meantime, I've been browsing Pixiv looking for some nice ShichiToga pictures to use as my wallpaper - ha!
... I still can't get over how bad ass Shichika was either. In that final episode he was just ... Wow.

Yeah ... When I like something ... I practically throw myself into the world >.> *coughObsessiveCough*

In other news, I've finally finished playing Okami. It was a really good game, and I mean to play through it again. I've kinda been wanting to play something more involved ... Buuuut, I've been enjoying the hack-and-slash of Dynasty Warriors instead.

As far as music goes ... I got a hold of the 2nd Volume of the Katanagatari OST - Whoop! It's amazing ... The Bahasa Plus remix is possibly one of my fave anime-music tracks so far ... Closely followed by "Last Battle" - ... I also finally got a hold of the new MCR album, which I like alot more than The Black Parade. It's closer to Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge in terms of music ... Also, the Short Stack album is amazing. There's this song on there called Werewolves that I love, as well as Afraid Of The Dark.

Ahhh, well, anyway, the main reason I wanted to post was because I have this to share:

Title: Everlasting
Fandom: Katanagatari
Pairing: ShichiToga
Length: 1 879
Notes: This was my answer to the end of Katanagatari. After seeing the final episode ... I needed to write something that gave a happier note to the ShichiToga pairing.


Death - when it came to the seventh and final Kyotouryuu head, Yasuri Shichika - was quiet, to say the least, and not at all the way any had envisioned the strongest swordsman in Japan dying.

The true reason was lost as civilians gossiped; some say he was dying from sickness, others wonder if he’d been poisoned. Some suggested that he was sick at heart and that was causing his death, then there was the small handful of people who insist he has simply given up the will to live, or the superstitious ones who believed that the poison of Shikizaki Kiki’s blades had finally affected him.

As his body rode out another shudder, Shichika didn’t truly care for the why, he just wanted it to end. For the past few days he’d been reduced to a shuddering, panting mass and he could feel that his body was slowly withering away, something that he found to be a great hassle after so many of years of training to be the strongest he could be.

Turning his gaze to the sunset creeping through the window, Shichika couldn’t help the vague smile that pulled the corners of his mouth up, until another cough stole the smile away. It had been almost five years since that fateful day when Togame had shown up on his island, and although the last four years had been difficult at times … He’d completed it. He’d managed to create the intricate map of Japan that Togame had so wanted to exist.

He wondered if she’d approve of it. But then, he also wondered what she’d think about him choosing to settle down in Dewa, considering that meant he’d spent quite a lot of time with Zanki Kiguchi- though Shichika had adamantly refused her offer to resume sword training.

The pains in his chest couldn’t hold back Shichika’s fond chuckle as he remembered the time he’d spent here with Togame - Why were his eyelids suddenly really heavy? It was mildly annoying since he was trying to watch the sunset - when he looked back on his life, short though their time together may have been … The days spent with Togame were always his favourite, even better than the peaceful times spent with Nee-chan.

Shichika’s eyes began to close sleepily, the lids feeling heavier with each bat though he fought against the weariness. Even though he’d learnt so much in that year he’d spent with Togame … It was only after spending time with Kiguchi that he realised how many opportunities he’d wasted. If only he’d been more aware of the ways of the world, he might have been able to cherish the time he’d had with Togame more fully.

With a heavy sigh, Shichika felt around the futon until his unsteady fingers came in contact with a wad of white hair. Most people he met seemed to think it was horse hair hanging at his waist … Very few would have realised it was in actuality Togame’s - and those that did, chose not to comment, especially when they noticed the way that Shichika unconsciously sought the bundle out for reassurance. As his fingers entangled in the hair, Shichika could almost hear her tutting and accusing him of being a hair-fetishist.

“Hey, Togame … We had a good adventure, didn’t we?” Shichika breathed, his fingers rubbing over the hair, and knotting it up somewhat. As the last flickers of the sun sank down below the window-pane, and with a hand clutching at the hair that had so often been his lifeline, the last thought that passed through Shichika’s mind was that Togame would be highly disappointed the misuse of ‘cheerio’ hadn’t caught on. And then, with a faint smile on his face, the seventh head of Kyotouryuu slipped into blissful awareness.

It could have been minutes, hours, or days later when Shichika opened his eyes again - and for how refreshed and rejuvenated he felt, he thought it was likely to be days. A moment later, Shichika realised that he wasn’t lying on the same hard, wooden floor he had been for the past couple of days. In fact, he was standing … Something he hadn’t been able to do for several weeks now, not without something to support him.

The moment he’d realised he was standing, it occurred to him that he was in a meadow of sorts, the kind that had lush green grass and Sakura trees in full bloom. He found it curious … He could feel the wind in his hair, the breeze brushing against his bare chest … and yet, the place was silent.

Almost as soon as the thought occurred to him, a tinkling laugh echoed from behind a tree, and Shichika reflexively stepped into a battle stance at the unexpected noise - a stance that didn’t relax as Nanami stepped out from behind a nearby tree.

The siblings watched one another cautiously - the last time they’d met, Nanami had goaded Shichika into killing her. And then, Nanami smiled gently - just like she used to back when it was just the two of them on their island - and hummed, “It’s peaceful here, don’t you think, Shichika?”, her gaze back on the cherry blossom petals.

“Yeah,” Shichika agreed, tentatively lowering his defensive stance. The aura around Nanami was different than the last time … She was … Peaceful again, and Shichika smiled to himself at the realisation. She had returned to her old self, and for that Shichika was glad.

But then, as he looked around him once more, Shichika decided he had more pressing matters. “Where are we Onee-chan?” he asked, staring up at the petals as they danced in the wind. Folding his arms with a frown, Shichika supposed that the atmosphere of the place was similar to the forest in which he’d met Rinne. It didn’t quite feel real … and yet, it was.

Nanami didn’t help Shichika’s confusion as she giggled softly, “Who can say?” she said cryptically, and Shichika’s frown deepened at the words. It seemed she wasn’t exactly the way she was on the island then … But if she wasn’t Island-Nanami, and she wasn’t sword-possessed Nanami … What Nanami did that make the Nanami before him?

Shichika ran a hand through his hair at the confusing path his thoughts had taken - Thinking had never really been his strong point. The thoughts cut off abruptly as he noticed the figure in the distance however, and Shichika’s throat constricted uncomfortably as he noticed the form of his father walking towards the siblings.

The previous head of Kyotouryuu simply looked at his son, before ruffling his hair fondly, as if he were six again. “You did well, son,” Mutsue Yasuri said, a fond smile on his face as he looked at Shichika, before he turned to Nanami and asked, “Feel like sparring, Nanami?”

Shichika felt his jaw open with surprise - although the three of them had never been on bad terms with one another, he couldn’t recall an instance where Nanami and his father had bonded, least of all fought, but … he supposed death could change that in a family. Especially when you were faced with an afterlife with one another.

Nanami sighed heavily, before looking up at the man before her. “You’re going to lose again,” she warned him, but Mutsue simply laughed down at her and the two walked off, leaving Shichika standing beneath the Sakura trees, his mouth still open as he watched them with surprise.

After a moment, he smiled at his father and sister - both of which were exchanging blows not far away from him. Shichika couldn’t help but feel relieved at the way their relationship had changed, especially considering the last time he’d seen his father, he’d tried to kill Nanami.

Settling himself down on the hill beneath a Sakura tree, Shichika watched the battle with interest, mildly wondering if this was really the afterlife - If he was really going to be spending the rest of eternity with Nanami and Mutsue, idly chatting or sparring.

His musings were brought to an unexpected halt when a mass of weight collided with the side of his head, however, and the one and only thing that halted Shichika in his instinctual counter-attack was the “Cheerio!” that had accompanied the blow.

As soon as his conscious mind recognised the word that had assaulted him, Shichika found it hard to breath, and for a moment, it seemed as though time stood still. But then, he turned to look at her and it was like the first time he’d seen her all over again - Togame stood with her arms folded, her mouth pulled into an irritated grimace, and her long hair swaying on the wind.

Before Shichika could even utter her name, she screeched, “What the hell is that?!” gesturing at his face, making obscene gestures that betrayed her annoyance.

His hand ran across the scar on his eye instinctively, and Togame’s eyes narrowed as she watched the move, bristling as her eyes skipped from his scarred eye, to his scarred chest “I told you to protect yourself! Not only that, I’d ordered you to forget me! Carrying around my hair as a memento isn’t forgetting me, you hair-pervert! Cheerio!” she finished, throwing a punch at his stomach.

In the distance, Shichika thought he could hear his father laughing, but he hardly cared. He didn’t even care that Togame was scolding him after being separated for so long. Shichika just took hold of her wrist and pulled her towards him, enveloping her in a hug so that she wouldn’t fall, and relishing the feel of her against him again.

“Damn it Shichika! I’m mad at you right now! I didn’t say it was okay to-”

“I don’t care,” Shichika cut her off, his voice thicker with emotion than it had been in four years time. “I don’t care that you’re mad,” and his arms tightened around her convulsively, “I’m just glad to see you … Togame.”

The woman in his arms stopped struggling as he spoke, and then, with a sigh, Shichika could feel her arms wrap around his waist. “Yeah. Me too.”

And then, Shichika couldn’t help himself - he began wrapping Togame’s long white hair around one arm, and pulled that arm up to his nose so that he could smell the tresses again. He’d missed her long hair and the feel of it around him almost as much as he’d missed her.

“Oi,” Togame growled, “I can feel that. You stupid, hair-pervert! Cheerio!”

Shichika could feel the punch against his back, and he figured there would probably be a lot more where that came from, especially if Togame knew he’d lived in Dewa, if she knew he’d failed in her final request, if she was aware that Princess Hitei had followed him around as he completed the map of Japan. But, with her hair enticing his senses once again, and with Togame in his arms, he didn’t really care.

He could spend the rest of eternity making it up to her - the rest of eternity with her, taking every opportunity he’d missed with her in life. Shichika smiled eagerly at the thought, deciding that several Cheerio’s were well worth the chance to be with Togame again.


I hope I did alright with the characters - I was actually not going to write anything for these two because I just wasn't sure how to tackle Shichika's, or Togame's, personalities ... But ... I needed to write something after seeing the finale XD

That being said, there is another drabble-thing I want to do, but it'd be an uber-short drabble ... Even so, I kinda want to explore things further with these two. And yet, I don't want to ruin them - the anime did so well with them I'm kinda worried if I started writing for them, I'd start to come up with head-canon stuff. And, while that's fine for after the anime - like in the afterlife - ... I'd probably start to wonder what they got up to between when one episode ends, and another starts Did Shichika make use of his knowledge about Togame's weak spot, for instance?

On that note, here are some random Katanagatari related questions/answers/thoughts... Standard anime stuff XD

Favourite Character: Shichika, or Togame ... Ah, but then Rinne was pretty awesome too, or Mesai ... Ack! I don't know! Too many awesome characters to choose from.
Disliked Character/s: Enmonzaemon .... He was ruthless. Hitei-Hime I had a love/hate relationship with ... She was so annoying... And awesome at the same time...
Series OTP: ShichiToga, of course. But then, I also liked the idea of Hitei-hime and Enmonzaemon
Favourite Episode: Episode 9 - Togame was really cute when she was jealous. Ah, but 12 was absolutely mind-blowing.
Least-Liked Episode: Episode 4. We were so trolled in that! I wanted to see the battle with the fluffy-haired guy!
Most Bad-ass character: Shichirin~ ... Or Nanami, except Nanami is "Holy shit!" badass, where as Shichika is "Hyuu!" badass.
Most "OMGWTF?!!" moment: Nanami in Episode 4 ... ... She was damn well creepy.
Most "Bawwww" moment: Shichika through most of Episode 12 ... Or Shichika after being defeated by Nanami ... Oooor Konayuki, when you find out she's lost her entire village.
Best Lulzy moment: Togame's old-school shoujo manga imagination in Episode 9 ("Training in the bath?" *wobble wobble*), or the Hot-Spring scene.
Cutest scene: Shichika's instinctive-jealous reactions in Episode 5(?), The hair-wrapping scene in Episode 2 - the fact that Shichika sniffs Togame's hair and even chewed on it was adorable. ... Any of the ShichiToga moments, really. Especially near the end of the series.
Moment you wanted animated, but wasn't: Shichika and Togame's reunion >C, Proper-Houou and Shichika fight (The one of Kiki-Houou doesn't count as a Houou-Shichika fight, imo)
Best Fight: Shichika and Enmonzaemon - easily. Closely followed by Houou and Enmonzaemon.
Best line/s: "Oh, and one more thing ... Keep your hands off my woman!" Shichika, episode 9
"I will make you fall for me," Fluffy-haired guy, Episode 2
"However, by that point, you'll be torn into pieces" Shichika, almost every episode. 
"Even so ... Would you mind, if I fell for you?" Togame, episode 12
"I'm surprised you were able to dodge all those bullets." - "I didn't." Enmonzaemon and Shichika, Episode 12
Overall feeling about the anime: OMG! Must-Watch-Again!
Op/ED thoughts: I loved them all - the fact that the ED changes with each episode is awesome ... ... Mmm. I think I like the 1st Op sequence more, but like the 2nd OP song best. I don't know. All the music in the series was really good.

And I'm realising there is a serious lack of Katanagatari fandom ... Oh sure, PixiV has art ... But there are a whole three stories for it on Fanfiction - including the one I just posted - and no LJ community that's even remotely active. Boooo

shichitoga, drabble, rambling, phoenix is insane, katanagatari, fangirling, anime

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