UlquiHime Fanfic - Draculquiorra: Chapter 14/??

Oct 30, 2010 19:43

Just paused The Big Bang Theory - I'm loving that show right now - so I can post this for you guys =D

Title: Draculquiorra - Chapter 14/??
Rating: Uh, PG? Supernatural Themes.
Word Count: 1 608
Summary: Draculquiorra was a fariy tale being entirely made up to frighten young children. Something that Inoue Orihime certainly did not believe in, regardless of the strange attacks and deaths that had been worrying her township recently. And so, when Orihime wakes to discover that she had been captured - that fairy tales have suddenly slipped into the world of her reality - her world is, understandably, turned upside down. However, a new path has opened for her, under the watchful eye of her captor. One that is sure to lead her into a darker realm where the adventures, and relationships she forms are much more exciting than she had ever dreamed.
[UlquiHime is given a "Dracula"-edge >w<]


Humming as she cooked up some venison for Neliel, and mildly listening to the banter between her and Grimmjow, Orihime had to fight hard not to laugh. Who would have thought after such a morning that by the time night came she would have actually felt … cheerful.

Still humming a tune, Orihime looked briefly at an odd, white shape in the door way, and then glanced away. Before looking back and almost shrieking as she realised someone was standing there. Her mouth even opened to cry out until she realised it was Ulquiorra in his humane form.

“Jeez! How long have you been there?” she asked, pouting as she turned back to the sizzling meat, “I thought I’d asked you to warn me or something. You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Orihime scolded, trying not to look at Ulquiorra as she remembered the slap. Whoops.

Inwardly she cringed at the memory, amazed he hasn’t said anything about it. Her eyes betray her though and flick back towards him - his green eyes are still staring at her, a strange look on his face.

“Woman,” he says, and though it’s at his normal tone, Orihime still cringes slightly, expecting an admonition about her behaviour earlier. What she isn’t expecting is, “Where did you get those?”

At first, Orihime is confused - get what? The meat? The pots? Was she not meant to use them? Or is he referring to the pie cooking for Neliel because she wanted something sweet?

Her look must have betrayed her confusion, because after a barely restrained sigh, Ulquiorra adds “The clothes.”

“Oh!” Orihime sounds with understanding, flicking at the cape nervously. “Neliel gave them to me,” she tells him, a tender look in her eyes, and Ulquiorra can’t understand why the giving of something practical like clothing would warrant such a tender look.

He shrugs it off, however, and speaks his mind before he truly thinks about it - “Surprisingly, it suits you,” of course, as soon as the words leave his lips, Ulquiorra’s practical mind wonders why he would say something like that, wonders at why he would think such a thing, and wonders why the blood suddenly rushes to her cheeks, filling them and turning them an alluring pink.

“You really think so?” Orihime prattles, her hands flicking at the skirt in a presumably nervous gesture, before she grins up at him. As she continues to look at him however, her look slowly changes into something akin to remorse, and Ulquiorra wonders what she’s thinking about that is causing her brows to pull together the way they are.

He almost asks her, until he thinks better of it. But that doesn’t erase the want to ask her, which rather frustrates Ulquiorra. He isn’t meant to be able to feel these things, and yet, he is. Which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Just as he goes to turn and walk away - retreat to his books, the more appropriate term - Orihime murmurs something he hadn’t expected to hear. “I’m sorry.”

Ulquiorra doesn’t say anything, he just turns his head back to her, and he can feel his eyes are a little wider than normal, but Orihime isn’t looking at him, she’s looking down at the cooking deer in the pot.

Abruptly, she looks up at him again, and Ulquiorra is able to see a strange fire glowing in the depths of her eyes, “I’m sorry,” she repeats, “I shouldn’t have slapped you. I was just so angry with what you were saying and …” she gives a half-hearted shrug before looking back to the pot and poking at the simmering meat with a chopstick. “I can understand why you had to do it now. I’ve been thinking a lot these last couple of hours,” she’s talking, and it sounds as if she’s opening her mind to him a little, and so Ulquiorra slides his hands into his pockets, watching her with curious eyes.

“I understand that you had to kill them, it’s just difficult for me to accept that so many lives had to be lost. But, if you hadn’t, someone else would be here now, trying to attack you again, right?” suddenly, she laughs, and it sounds almost bitter. “Sorry, this probably sounds really stupid to you doesn’t it?” she asks, looking over at him as though afraid of his response.

Ulquiorra doesn’t give her one, he just continues to watch her, and his eyes flick to her mouth as her teeth flash out to bite on it. Part of him wants to tell her not to do that - she might hurt herself - but he doesn’t, because it makes no sense for him to tell her not to. He doesn’t have control over what she does and doesn’t do.

Orihime looks back to the pot, and asks, “Do you have to leave this house now?” she looks back to him and her head tilts as though she actually cares about the answer.
Ulquiorra hesitates before answering, and then with a barely perceptible shrug, he tells her, “It’s happened before.”

“I was afraid of that,” Orihime says, a hum in her tone that implies she had thought as much. Ulquiorra felt his eye twitch just once. This woman was, decidedly, an enigma. There was much he wanted to ask her - why didn’t she leave when she had the chance? Why was she even asking if they had to move, as if she cared about the answer? Why did it sound as if she’d been thinking about what happens after someone finds them out? Why did she feel that she had to apologize for expressing herself?

Ulquiorra mentally shook his head, attempting to dislodge the thoughts as he watched the Woman toil away in the kitchen. It was strange, it seemed as if she’d been there all along. For an extremely brief moment, Ulquiorra wondered if she was ‘heaven’s’ idea of a joke - someone they’d created specifically to drive a demon like him insane.
And then she came towards him with a piece of the venison she’d cooked held in some chopsticks. At least, it looked like it was what she’d been cooking in that pot, but the insides were all red.

Ulquiorra eyed the piece of meat dubiously, “Woman, what are you doing?” he asked, a note of petulance in his voice.

For a moment she looked abashed, but then her mouth set into a line, her chin jutted out defiantly and she forced her lips to curl into a smile.

“You said you could eat human food, but had no inclination to. So, I thought … Perhaps you’d be more inclined to if it was like this …” Suddenly it seemed as if a thought had occurred to her, “Not that I’m trying to change the way you live or anything, I mean, it kind of sucks you need to feed on people, but that’s the way you’ve got to survive, I just thought a … variation might be … nice?” she finished, uncertainly.

As she stood there in front of him, her eyes swimming with emotions - fear, hope, concern, discomfort - Ulquiorra looked down at her, his perfect mask of indifference in place, hiding the shock at her words. Was this her way of trying to find a compromise, of sorts? Pretty much rare meat? A large part of Ulquiorra rebelled against the idea - He was not going to change what he was simply because it made her uncomfortable. But then, another smaller part of him was amazed she would even try to think of something that was a midway point between her ideals and his lifestyle, and then an even smaller part of his mind commented that he hadn’t hungered for blood as much anymore anyway, so it couldn’t hurt to try … right?

It was that smaller part of him that had Ulquiorra bending forward to take the almost-raw meat from the chopsticks, chewing reluctantly. It was so strange to use his teeth for something other than ripping open veins again. Almost as strange as the way that Orihime’s eyes lit up as bright as the morning sun as he took the meat into his mouth, a gentle smile stretching across her lips. Ulquiorra’s eyes narrowed slightly as he swallowed the masticated venison - That was an awkward sensation - his eyes almost daring her to comment.

To his surprise, Orihime didn’t. She didn’t even ask how it was, she simply turned, a smile still on her face as she did so, and returned to the sizzling pot, humming softly again.

Moments later, she called out to Neliel and Grimmjow, and Ulquiorra noticed that one plate’s meat wasn’t cooked quite as much as the other. Is she trying to cater to Grimmjow’s bloodlust as well? Ulquiorra wondered from where he was leaning against the wall.

Orihime glanced at him briefly and smiled brightly as she sat down with Neliel and Grimmjow - both of which were scoffing their meals down as if they hadn’t eaten for a week - and as she glanced up to him again, a small smile still on her lips, he had a feeling that, although she didn’t get a plate for him also, she had considered her experiment a success and so she would probably try to get him to eat raw meat more often.

Much to Ulquiorra’s surprise, he found that he wasn’t completely adverse to the idea if she smiled at him like that each time she tried and succeeded. He resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose as he left the room, sensing Neliel’s eyes watch him as he went.

What was happening to him?


Whee~ I rather like this chapter, and don't ask me why I decided to make things pan out the way they did ... It was my hands/subconsciousness deciding XDD I still think the end is cute, but I hope you guys feel the same way <3

Also, totally OT, but Halloween tomorrow! Yay!! Is anybody dressing up? I am! I'm gonna be an evil-pixie ... I hope that's what I look like anyway, cause I wasn't able to find pixie-ears, and pixies don't have wings, fairies have them, so I'm not about to wear a pair of them so I can actually look like I'm dressed up >m< I'm a pixie, not a fairy! XDD

fanfiction, ulquihime

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