Time Wasting~

Oct 31, 2010 17:00

So ... I was gonna head out to the city cause there's something there I need to pick up, but it's ridiculously cold outside - STILL! Wtf summer, just wtf? - and even more so since I'm wearing my Halloween costume already, which is spaghetti strapped, so I caved and retreated back to my room and the warmth XDD

As such, I now have little to do save for waiting for my friend who I'm trick-or-treating with, and so ... Meme-tiems!

1. Name: Tianna
2. Age: 21
3. Will you answer all questions truthfully: Probably - I gave my actual name after all
4. You may start: Oh gee, are you sure??
5. Are you single: Yeah *sigh*
6. Are you happy: Most of the time, sure
7. Are you bored: Not really, I'm just filling in time, and can't get too involved with anything since I don't know when my friend's getting here.
8. Are you sad: Not particularly O.o
9. Are you Italian: No
10. Are you German: Uh ... No.
11. Are you Asian: Gods I wish I was TT^TT
12. Are you angry: Only with the weather for being ridiculously cold at this time of the year. Warm up already ffs!
13. Are you Irish: Nope
14. Are your parents still married: They never were *shrug*

15. Birth Place: Australia
16. Hair Color: Dark brown, but I tend to dye it black with purple highlights
17. Eye color: Blue green
18. Birthday: 22/07
19. Mood: Right now? Frustrated, apathetic, and a little excited
20. Gender: I believe I've got the girl parts =D
21. Lefty or Righty: Righty~ Imagine if I was ambidextrous though, that'd be cool
22. Summer or Winter: Neither! I want Early autumn, or late spring. Where the weather's cool enough to wear jeans, but warm enough you don't need a jumper.
23. Morning or Afternoon: Night D<

24. Are you in love: Not right now, no.
25. Do you believe in love at first sight: I believe in attraction at first sight, but I'm not so sure about love.
26. Who ended your last relationship: It wasn't exactly a relationship, but it was me who decided not to see him again.
27. Have you ever been hurt: Duh. Who hasn't been?
28. Have you ever broken someone’s heart: Sorry to say I have once ... That was bad form, but in my defence I was 15!
29. Are you friends with your ex: Yeah, though we haven't spoken in a while.
30. Are you afraid of commitment: I don't think so
31. Have you hugged someone within the last week?: Yeah =3
32. Have you ever had a secret admirer: Well, I don't know. Isn't that the point of it being a secret admirer?
33. Have you ever broken your own heart?: I ... Didn't realise that was possible O.o

34. Love or Lust: You can't have one without the other, but I'd prefer love over lust Though lusty escapades could be fun, I'm sure
35. Lemonade or Iced tea: I like iced tea
36. Cats or Dogs: Cats
37. A few best friends or many regular friends: A few best friends, quality over quantity. I'd rather someone I can talk to and spill my heart to when I'm upset over someone who's only there to hang out with.
38. Television or Internet: Interwebs - you can get everything you'd get from the tv on the net nowadays.
39. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
40. Wild night out or romantic night in: Hmmm ... decisions decisions. What about a wild night in? =D
41. Pink or Purple: Purple, no competition.
42. Day or Night: Night
43. IM or Phone: Uhm, depends on the topic at hand. It's more difficult to gauge someone's reaction on IM - words can be misinterpreted, people can lie about the way they feel, or cover it up real easy on IM ... Where as the phone, it's more difficult to mask.

44. Been caught sneaking out: Nope - I've always been an annoyingly good girl >.>
45. Fallen off the stairs: I did! and I caused me ankle a minor sprain because of it ... What's worse is I pushed through and tried to go to work! ... I was crying with pain by the time I got there XDD
46. White water rafted: Not yet ... Dunno if I will either.
47. Finished an entire jawbreaker: Uh, no. I haven't got the patience for lollies that take forever like that.
48. Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? If wanting someone and knowing you can't have them - and the pain you get as a consequence of that counts, sure.
49. Prank called a store: Nah, I'm not creative enough for prank calls XD And I'm a terrible liar.
50. Skipped School: Not exactly ... I went, cried "sick!" and went home XDD
51. Wanted to disappear: Who doesn't at some point in there lives, seriously?

52. Last Phone Call: Was to Rob, telling him that I'm not gonna go to the city and he can stop by whenever so we can go trick or treating.
53. Last phone call you received: Was from Bryce
54. Last person you hung out with: Rob
55. Last person you hugged: Rob XDDD
56. Last person you IM'ed: Uhm, Dave, or maybe Matt.
57. Last thing you ate: Cereal, contemplating ice cream right now though ...
58. Last thing you drank: The milk left over from my cereal XD
59. Last site you went to: Uh ... Bleach Asylum?
60. Last place you were: At the end of my street, deciding it's too cold to be outside before high-tailing it back to the house.

meme, time-wasting, random, procrastination

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