38+3 and still here....sigh.

Apr 24, 2010 13:58

I'm officially going out of my mind.

The work on the house has been finished for more than a week.  I'm scrubbing everything in sight.  When I need to rest, I sit down and work on the blanket for a while (still not done - 63 squares done and seven to go, plus sewing it and crocheting the border).  I've done everything possible over the past week to jinx this baby out of me.

For starters, I had L's little boy for a sleepover last Friday night.  He went home on Saturday morning and then two hours later one of B's other friends arrived for the afternoon.  I made lunch for the kids and then took them to run around in the park.  Her parents picked her up and then we started getting ready for dinner as one of D's colleagues (former department head, now on study leave) and her husband were coming over.  I made something amazing and incredible - actually, several things - including salmon marinated in olive oil, soy sauce, garlic, chopped chili peppers, lime juice and lemongrass paste.  Mmmm.  It had been a pretty last minute invitation but as they don't do much socially, they happened to be free.  Which is good, because I'm always happier and distracted when I'm cooking.

I saw the midwife on Monday afternoon.  She's pretty happy with how things are going, though was kind of insistent that I repeat the blood count I did a few weeks ago.  Still slightly anemic, but the hemoglobin has gone up - and anyway, my plans haven't changed and I'm simply not worried about it.  She estimates the baby's size at about seven pounds (my heaviest by far) with a big butt.  I'm not sure if I believe her about the size, but I do believe her about the butt - it's hard not to notice.

On Thursday evening I officially became the webmaster of the PTFA website.  The chair and I went to spend the evening with the person who started the website (and happens to be the former partner of the former chair).  The website itself was full of typos and misinformation and we managed to get through the meeting without conveying how poorly it had been done.  That gave me something to do yesterday morning.  It was pretty fun playing around with fonts and things, and nice to know that it's being done right.  AND having something to do.

D and I also met for lunch yesterday and that was fun.  Then I went up to school to help out in B's class.  The Year 3 classes are doing France as a topic this half term and the Design and Technology project for the afternoon was building either the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre out of art straws.  The only other things they could use were tape, scissors, markers and occasional bits of cardboard.  L's son and B were in the same group, and although she is now working in the school office and only managed to spend her lunch hour in the classroom, it was nice having her there.  Somehow I figured that being in a room with thirtysomething 7 and 8 year olds would guarantee me to have my water break (or something embarrassing like that), but I guess I was wrong.  Nada.

I know I could go for another week (or two, or three) but I just can't imagine it.  Each day feels like a year.  I had B at 37+5 and M at 39+4, so if something doesn't happen soon I'm probably going to start imagining being pregnant forever.  On top of that, it's finally warmed up and I simply don't have maternity clothes for warm weather!  Today I'm wearing one of D's t-shirts and luckily I'm not stretching it out any.   

school, life in general, kids, weather, pregnancy

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