Oct 30, 2012 19:32
I'm so fucking annoyed.
B apparently has this new habit of making two pieces of toast after dinner. Seeing that there was barely any bread left and only the faintest scraping of peanut butter, after being told that this was J's lunch for tomorrow, set about his evening ritual.
He is now wrapping said toasted bread and peanut butter. I'm hoping J will actually eat it, hoping it's even vaguely palatable by tomorrow.
The day actually started ok. D cycled the kids to school (as usual) and J didn't want to get dressed but I actually wasn't that bothered because I didn't have much in the way of big plans. We left the house around 10:30 and stopped at a friend's house to pick up leaflets for a local fair I'm doing in a few weeks. Took the compost to allotment. Took leaflets to a few places. Long walk home and lunch. J was in bed but didn't fall asleep, which was really annoying because it meant he was super hyper all afternoon. Picked up kids, handed out snacks. M took leaflets up and down our street (he loves being useful). B read a book, J bounced around like a wild thing.
By the time D got home, the kids were being silly and ornery and my coffee was only half drunk and cold. Dinner and silliness of various kinds, then I went up for some time alone before D went to rehearsal. J eventually found me and I started getting him ready for bed. D left, B was in the kitchen, M was playing.
And then the whole scene with the toast and the peanut butter and J crying hard because it was bedtime and he was just too tired, and M bursting into my room without knocking for the gazillionth time this month.