Oct 14, 2011 12:04
I confess:
Sometimes I think that the cat's happiest moments are when he's asleep in the bed with D and me. Part of me feels guilty for this, part of feels happy that I can provide at least that much.
Sometimes I'm the guiltiest pet/plant keeper ever. When I admire cut flowers in a vase, I'm often thinking how I've kept them from fulfilling their purpose of being pollinated outdoors.
Last weekend was a Top Ten in my life. I went to Vermont with three rather new friends, and nobody held back the love. The first day, all in attendance were without our various romantic/life partners, which gave our time together a different flavor. We were simply ourselves with no expectations and no attachments -four friends laughing, eating together, singing around a campfire built in a metal wash bucket.
Connected with the above, I feel a tad bit guilty that I experienced a Top Ten that didn't include my partner. Granted, some in my Top Ten are from before we were partners, others from our time together. For example when I beat D in a foot race in the parking lot of a Keene, NH natural foods store during our ninth anniversary challenge -and me with the head cold, him with the aching back.
Also connected with the Vermont weekend, I accidentally molested one of the other women on the trip because I forgot she was female! So apparently there are downsides to viewing the world through a sex-neutral lense.
I confess that I'm way into terrariums. This weekend I collected a bunch of river stones from NH for that purpose. Does this come as a surprise to anyone?
I am fairly low-drama. Is that a personality type, or does it have something to do with my tendency to feel happy with what I have?
I suspect that I were less content I'd be a published author by now. I'd also probably make more money, possibly be a home owner. I might be married with a child or few. I certainly wouldn't be counting my lucky stars that I can take vacations for essentially free, have a closet full of other people's cast-off clothing, and developing a talent for finding my way to other people's home cooked meals. Of course I'm not insinuating that folks who have the above going on in their lives are malcontents! More that my general level of punky-happiness seems to lead me in one direction while much of the world is surging in another.
confession tuesday