Another translation question

Sep 12, 2008 15:09

echowillow  can I ask you another question?

This week, I was listening to some songs by a Chinese indie rock group called 渡鸦 and was wondering how to translate their name.

I looked up the translation online and got this info:
1.渡 dù to cross / to pass through / to ferry  2.鸦 yā crow

So would you say Passing Crow or Crossing Crow?

Passing Crow is kinda funny if you think about eating crow first, tee hee!  And Crossing Crow has the nice alliteration thing going on.  But then I could be totally off..... what do you think?   How would you have translated that?

Hope you're having a nice weekend!!  Mine hasn't quite started yet but I am soooo looking forward to it!  YAY for the weekend!
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