Apr 13, 2008 22:07
So, keeping up with my goal of 2008, I'm reading moar more. Currently, I'm reading Sex with Kings by Eleanor Herman. It's non fiction book about European kings and their mistresses and the shenanigans that arose from it. It's kinda hard to read but it's interesting. It's also made me hate men just a little bit. But yeah, good read.
I also brought two books from Borders this morning. Naked by David Sedaris and Back in Black from the A list series. I love David Sedaris. I remember being younger and on the way to my grandpa's or my great aunt Susan's house, my parents and I would listen to his books on tape, and how bad we cracked up at them. Ah, that man sure does bring in the lulz. As for the former, I like A list series, okay? and I wanted to pick up where I left off. I'm gonna read these books when I'm finished with Sex With Kings.
As for class, were reading the ever so classic 1984 by George Orwell. It's hard to follow in alot of places but after you read a few pages, you get right into it. Oh, and I'm only 30 pages into the book and I'm already shipping characters. Winston/ Brunette girl OTP!!!
C'mon it even has subtext! In one part in goes in detail on how much Winston wants to bang her. And I'm also dead serious when I say I want porn of them. And this is coming from someone who rarely reads porn in fandom.
Dear god. What the hell has fandom done to me?