I hate April Fools

Apr 01, 2008 23:36

Well, not really. But it's probably my least favorite holiday, along with Thanksgiving(which I don't like because I don't like eating big heaps of food and you don't get presents). I don't really like April Fools because I always fall victim to the pranks, no matter how retarded they are, and I can't think of a good prank to save my life. Plus, I never been the type of person to play pranks. Telling snarky jokes have always been more of my style.

Anyway, following today's prompt, "What is the best April Fools' Day joke you've ever fallen victim to?", I guess I have to say when I was in kindergarten, probably. So I was about six. Anyhoo, My parents drove me to the doctors office. At the time I was all like "Wtf? Why are we going here? I don't have an appointment." and my mom was all like "Oh yes you do sweetie. You have to get shots. Remember?" I flipped out. I hated getting shots then, and I still do. We pulled up to the doctors building and my mom was trying to get me out but I wouldn't budge. She finally couldn't take any more and told me that it was all a joke because of April Fools day. I was so relieved. But what did afterwards was totally stupid. I decided to play a little April Fools joke on them for revenge. I gave my aunt (the driver) specific directions to a place that they didn't know about. It turned out to be H & R block, because they had some sort of tax trouble at that time or something. Looking back, that was kinda lame. But I was six, so what do you expect.

In other non related April Fools news, nothing that interesting is going on. I'm on spring break, so I'm not doing much. But on sunday, I got this really cool belt at Forever 21. But the next day it broke. So today, I went in to either get a refund or exchange but apparently the store policy doesn't allowed refund or exchange on accessories, meaning if you buy a pair of earrings and the next day, they fall apart, you're pretty much screwed. The hell? That's so retarded. I told my mom about it and she was furious. Well, it's okay. It's not like I shop at Forever 21 often anyway. I used to love that place when I was 14 but now all they seem to go hipster (which is NOT my style) and all their clothes are either sliver,  gold, or green (and occasionally purple). But they do have some cute earirngs. But yeah, Wet Seal FTW!! They inspired me to color code my closet.
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