she moved so easily all I could think of was sunlight

Jul 02, 2007 16:11

In honour of the cold that won't quit (it just keeps giving) I am staying at home and doing absolutely nothing except for try to decipher some arcane and anachronistic university schedules while muttering things to myself like "you could take both of these classes, you'd just have to get from one end of campus to the other in ten minutes.  Piece of cake.  Hack hack cough cough sniffle."

It's pretty obvious that I'm going insane.  So: I am making one last grab for sanity, reccing stories.

When All The Wild Summer Was In Her Gaze
solvent90 BtVS, Buffy/Faith  This story is almost the flip side of Tissue, with Faith being the one who comes to town, rather than the other way.  But it's not, mostly because here there is a stronger sense of both of them really coming into their absolute own.  Here they both feel older, and it's not entirely due to actual aging.  I have also been informed that this one sets up the characters really well for someone with no previous canon knowledge.

shati BtVS, Buffy/Faith  Apparently it's very hard to pick just one post-canon set in Cleveland Buffy/Faith story.  I did not succeed, though I have narrowed the field to two excellent and awesome choices.  This one makes the list because it doesn't ignore any of the history between them and the baggage that naturally accompanies it.  Also, as a Starbucks veteran, I get a sort of glee from the use of that institution in this story.  You'll get it when you see it.

When Harley Met Kory
hradzka DCU, Harley Quinn, Starfire  I saw this story described as spicy gen somewhere, and I think that definition definitely fits.  I've pretty much given up on a specific DCU post that clearly explains who everyone is and their relationships (and I'm trying not to laugh helplessly at the thought, mostly because it starts the coughing); instead I'm just going to kind of slip the stories in with enough context that they should work.  Starfire's one of the alien members of the Justice League and Harley Quinn is rather hopelessly devoted to the Joker with all of the crazy that goes along with that.  And she's clever, never forget.

Under the Skin
honorh Doctor Who, Martha, Rose  My love of Rose is deep and widely know, less known is how I've fallen for Martha.  Martha has proven herself to be resourceful, charming, and utterly kickass.  Here Martha gets to display her ability to accept a crazy situation and then deal with it.  This story makes excellent use of the zeppelin-world.

Second Song
eudaimon Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Nymphadora Tonks  Evidently, this story has been Jossed and will be even more thoroughly jossed with the 7th book (squee!).  But it will always be a standard for something very poetic.  This link links to the index page.  Each part is fairly short and is multimedia in the sense that it uses pictures to great effect and to tell some of the story.  Really, there is nothing more I could say that would add anything, and the mood of this piece is key and I don't wish to corrupt it further.

Are You Sweet On Your Sister 
minervacat SG1/BSG, Vala Mal Doran/Kara Thrace (Starbuck) Vala continues to be the little black dress of fandom.  And even more incredibly, she has something to add everywhere she goes.  What often gets glossed over by Vala's irreverent and vixen nature is that she does have a traumatic backstory without even taking the whole giving birth to the adversary thing into account.  She's style and substance and I respect any story that remembers that.  Here the trope of technology doing something weird and unexpected allows Vala to see Galactica and meet Kara, with whom she does actually have quite a bit in common.  They're both survivors, and they both act like happy go lucky sociopaths.

The Crane Wife 
mz_bstone SGA ,Miko/Dumais  I really can't praise this story enough.  It is honestly one of the absolute best stories I have read, full stop.  It's short, and every word here is precious.  Nothing feels extraneous.  And considering the fact that it takes two characters who had maybe five minutes of screen time combined, none of it together and turns them into real people, it's a considerable feat.  Just.  Go read it.

and bonus: Xena vid.  Because all of this slashiness plus some was canon.  This was one of my first shows, and it's clear that it influenced me in all of its tacky glory.  Ever The Same

sga, hp, btvs, recs, cross, vid, bsg, sg1

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