Jul 29, 2005 17:12
though Len just got home so he said he would fix it right away. I hope he does, he just has to call a number and set up an email address with Comcast. I just want him to do it NOW. Heh, I would never tell him that. He's too nice to us for me to be a jerk to him. Besides, we use his wireless internet for free.
Well, I got the WIC coupons and the farmer's market vouchers. Everything happened easily, I had no problems getting the paperwork I needed or anything. I didn't even have to wait a long time! It was almost a pleasant experience. I recognized a girl there I had seen at the Social Services office. Really recognized her little girl with glasses, not so much the mom. That lady had two school-age kids, an infant, and she was pregnant! My load suddenly feels a lot lighter. And who knows if her husband/boyfriend is supportive? I know mine is! The trip to the WIC office actually made me good cause of what I just explained, plus I accomplished something to help support my family.
Then I went back to my dad's house with him. He watched Violet during my appointment. They planted beans. Violet swam in the rain and Amanda and Cayanne came home and Kevin was with them. They were supposed to go to the carnival tonight but it's been so rainy - I don't think they did. Kevin and my dad used to get along, but since Amanda left the apt. they haven't said much to each other. Cayanne played in the rain, it was cute.
I wish the computer would come on and get online. Damn. I'm bored and I don't feel like a shower or reading. Maybe Final Fantasy again. I'm still stuck on getting the Jecht shot. I could read Violet a story, that sounds like a better use of my time for now. Or I could stay here and jab about nothing important, I'm good at that. I'll just leave this open for later developments as if anything interesting would ever happen here...
Tch. Violet doesn't want me to read her a story right now, she's watching a NEW episode of a cartoon. Whoopeee. They're gonna rerun it 25 times. Now she wants ice cream from the ice cream truck. I just took her for ice cream yesterday.
I can hear Len upstairs and he doesn't sound happy. It sounds like he's yelling at the computer. I hope I didn't fuck anything up when I put it up there. I'm pretty sure I didn't. I hope it ends up working. I thought I heard him up there talking, hopefully to tech support.
Mmmm, I had crab soup for dinner. It was fresh and peppery, made my nose run.