Good news in twos.

May 12, 2010 16:20

Within a span of fifteen minutes, I got two bits of good financial news. Justin got a promotion-type-thing which comes with a pretty substantial raise, and I'll be getting my quarterly bonus this weekend. Yay! Definitely feels like the world rewarding us for adopting some good habits and being mindful of our spending. And... also brings with it a desire to splurge which would kind of be counterproductive. What we should do with the extra cash coming is give mom and Carrie what we owe them for this month. Well, and maybe a night out, too.

Completely off-topic: a female wolf is not a wolfess; a female mage is not a magess; a female drow is definitely not a drowess. If people keep -ess'ing things up, I'mma take that -ess and shove it up their collective asses.

good things, mu*, heading in the right direction, grammar grinchery

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