i wish i was a kellogg's cornflake

Apr 02, 2010 15:50

So I was freed from my last three hours of indentured servitude yesterday, and all I had to do was accidentally drop my cellphone on the floor in the middle of a drugstore and have the battery go whoosh into a so-small-it's-still-undetected pocket of Rift energy or Vortex or SOMETHING WTF. Seriously - the battery just disappeared, and I had to get a new one, and because I don't like being totally unreachable in case something happens with the kidlet, so I went home and my job coach said I was doing such a good job that I didn't need to worry about making up the time.

(No, really, this happened, i swear.)

Classes start on Monday. I am seriously annoyed that all I could manage to get into was math (and the associated math-study-skills class) because ARGH, math needs something to offset it. Hoping to take a distance learning course in medical vocabulary (not required, but I thought it might be useful regardless) but since that needs to be paid for up front and we're a little short right now it'll have to wait. Fortunately it's one of those 'start any time' kind of classes.

(I suppose I'm just wanting to start moving. I like to think that's understandable.)

February/March fic roundup will happen very soon. For what it's worth, anyway. Still sorting clickies. Right now I have to go out and get pickles and ice cream.

(No, I am not pregnant, godforbid. That just happens to be my shopping list.)
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