a scant few clickies and a promise of more

Mar 29, 2010 22:48

I have a ton and a half of clickies in the 'to be posted' folder in Outlook, and another ton and a half in my del.icio.us inbox. And I swear that I'm going to start posting them very soon. But these ones were too awesome to wait.

from the lovely misswinterhill: April 3 is Talk like a Dalek Day.

And spiderine has an exceptionally awesome knitted Dalek.

If that's not your thing, mochimochiland is doing a bunny week this week, and if you buy $5 or more of their awesome patterns, you get the dust bunnies pattern for free. (I advocate this, because her patterns are adorable, if you're into knitting things, or want to be.)

two more days of the incredibly boring volunteer position and then i'm free forever. (and there will be much rejoicing). TWO MORE "WORK"DAYS. HALLEFUCKINGLUJAH. SIX HOURS. THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY MINUTES. TWENTY ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SECONDS. AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. /flails



sorry about that. hope i didn't get any flail on you. if anyone needs a towel form a line neatly to the left please.

knitting, dr. who, phin is a huge dork

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