quick note - more about seaners

Jan 28, 2010 12:40

Seaners will be staying in-unit until (at least) Tuesday. The sleep meds are still not working as well as hoped, and they still require adjusting. (I am not surprised. My boy has had trouble sleeping since pretty much day one.) Since lack of sleep is the single biggest trigger for the meltdowns, it only makes sense to keep him there, especially since they're modifying his meds on a nightly basis anyway.

I'm glad they made this decision. He needs their support right now more than ever. I completely understand why people would hospitalize their kids or themselves for major meds changes. It just makes sense, especially for someone like Sean.

I still miss him (i want him to come home! i bought him an awesome new t-shirt at the bodies exhibit! he has a new backpack for school! I can't snuggle him very well when i'm visiting him there because i'm in the wheelchair while i'm visiting!) but i think this is best for everyone right now.

in excellent news, we qualify for more services through the department of developmental disabilities. I'm not sure what exactly yet, but qualifying for more services = GOOD. They will help Sean, and that means more respite for sure either in home or offsite at least. I know there's more, but I'm not clear on what that means yet. We will find out soon.

I do know that our contact through one of the programs is a Dr. Donna (something.) (seriously, i can't recall her last name)

I am very amused about that bit.

dr. who, autism, ate too many fannish cookies again, the howling

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