clickies, health report

Oct 06, 2009 12:33

clickies from marnanel, rosencrantz319 and sirriamnis.

man shooting riot police with milk directly from cow!
teens find rare mastodon fossils in SE metro Denver
pet bear kills pennsylvania woman
ugly battle has librarians in Oak Brook turning to teamsters this one contains an asshole member of the illinois bar that thinks it's fun to harass children and make them cry. seriously. what a fucking dick.

finished ella minnow pea today; recommended to anyone who likes fables, linguistics, satire, words or just a really good story. the_new_perfect rec'd it to me and she would never steer me wrong. starting tears of the giraffe shortly which i expect to be excellent.

maintenance has replaced the broken parts on our main toilet and has to go out to get another part for our emergency backup toilet. should be back by five or so he claims.

pain level: five or so. tired. snuggled up with my heating pad and my stupidly still-twitching-still-sore hands. saw neuro today: she's going to up my trileptal from 300 to 450 and then 600, then see me again in a month.

stupid hands. stupid hips. stupid legs, stupid knees. stupid body. *sigh*

sleep, meds, pain

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