
Oct 05, 2009 23:01

  • 12:18 augh. forgot to send sean's backpack with him today, parent!fail! fortunately his teacher will buy him hot lunch. #
  • 13:01 augh, neighbors are singing country songs badly. do not care that they have friends in low places, unless those friends are picking them up #
  • 15:19 went to the bank.bought dinner and tiny fall gourds.took pictures of fall gardens.i have springs of wild lavender and rosemary in my purse. #
  • 15:20 once again concluded i spend way too much time thinking and not enough time doing stuff. difficult balance to unset though. #
  • 17:02 dear shoulder:what did i do to you to make you so mad? i've tried pills and tiger balm and massaging heat pads.let me be your friend.<3,phin #
  • 20:58 wrote vaguely melancholiac who-verse fic. am pleased and slightly bewildered like i usually am when i do something not-sexyfluffy #
  • 21:56 off to attempt sleep. have to get up at oh dark thirty (well, sixish) for neuro appt. shoulder still hurts. argh. :p love you all <3<3 #
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