
Aug 07, 2009 10:09

feeling moderately better despite an utterly crap night's sleep. also one of my pill boxes is missing (fortunately it's mostly empty).

clickies for the day thanks to mactavish:

ganges river dolphin in dire straits :p

footage of clever rooks (birds) reveal that at least one of aesop's fables may be based on fact. How cool is that? seriously. <3 there are videos and everything (sadly no sound but the article does a good job of describing them). Corvids are so freaking smart. (i owe daf9 a fic. maybe this article will help. <3)

arjache's brain comics is always excellent and definitely worth a read. Yesterday she decided to do a fantastic Torchwood comic in lieu of the usual update, and it was/is differently awesome. (all of her comics are alt-tagged/scripted, too.)

*knock on wood* Seaners seems to consistently be using the toilet on his own! Maybe he'll be completely potty trained some day for real. I'm starting to almost have hope in that direction.

Today: studying for phlebotomy exam. (by the end of tomorrow, unless something goes terribly wrong, i'm going to be a Certifiable Phlebotomist. GO ME.) more sims. writing? who knows. one can hope.

torchwood, this year might not suck, vampire school, my friends are awesome

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