
Jul 31, 2009 11:16

OK, maybe my wheelchair IS coming back today? not sure. that's the most recent update. we talked to the supervisor and this is what she said. So we'll see. It's to be delivered between 12 and 2. Or maybe that's the lightweight one.
(i really, really hope that's it. it would just make so many things easier. i need to go see the new penguin exhibit at the zoo/want to go to bork's party tomorrow/have two classes left/want to go to that yarn shop on Bainbridge Island.)

clickies courtesy the_xtina, nightdog_barks and tourmaline1973:

Let's Panic About Babies. This is officially my new favorite thing. Damn attachment parenting nazis.

trufax: i actually bought the Dr. Sears baby book when i was young and too dumb to know any better. This almost certainly contributed to my postpartum anxiety/depression/fuckeduppery. Three chapters on breastfeeding (including how to breastfeed an adopted baby by a simple twenty-step process that amounts to artificially forcing yourself to lactate.) A quarter of a page on bottlefeeding that basically amounts to "if you do this, you are a terrible parent, because there's no reason to, because even if you're adopting you can artificially force yourself to lactate, see? my wife did it, and her having the time and support and money had nothing to do with my being a rich doctor who has written more goddamn books than Stephen King." the only worthwhile thing in that book is the tylenol dosing chart. i cannot stand him. And the "best odds diet" in what to expect when you're expecting? basically everything you eat - everything - is wrong. apparently the new editions aren't pushing this. it damn well took them long enough. Damn thing's been around for over twenty years and it took them that long to figure out that demonizing their target audience's eating habits is probably not going to win them friends and influence people.
except the worst part is that it obviously worked otherwise the book would have died out like it should have.


(i blame myself for even buying into this garbage as long as i did.)

(yes i do have issues. thanks for noticing.)

first world war bodies to be identified using DNA.

north american skunks stalking the english countryside and eating waffles. so much love for this article.

cat rides bus home he just gets on and sits there, they know where to let him off. SO FREAKING CUTE OMG

missing cat turns up on TV show also adorable. (not the same cat.)

knitting, some people suck

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