don't worry if this sounds dumb, because it is

Jul 30, 2009 17:13

apparently they cannot track the part because it was a warranty replacement and thus has no purchase order (no, this is really what they said). chris has phoned the manufacturer and is going to track the part down on his own with customer service tomorrow morning. (i do not know why they cannot track the part. my theory is that they are used to dealing with cabbages insurance companies and meek little disabled people that were brought up not to ask for anything or complain.) they are building me a lighter-weight manual chair (this takes about 20-30 minutes) and will have that out to me tomorrow (i asked them if they had any lighter ones to begin with: either they did not understand me or Boy put the fear of Dog into them, i'll believe either, because they said they didn't before, but apparently they do). the only electrics they have have the single footplate, which is what rendered the last one unusable. my legs are spastic and uncooperative and require separate footplates. so this will at least be a better alternative (i hope).

also: needle felting is fun when you want to stab things, and it leads to soft and fuzzy consequences. i'm making a panda. it doesn't look too much like a panda right now. but it will soon. and the stabbing was very therapuetic.

my boy is awesome

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