thing i stole from cindy

Jul 29, 2009 20:56

i'm eating pita chips and trying not to overheat. it is insanely hot. i am cranky, in large part due to the heat.

What are your current obsessions?
dr. who, torchwood, house, graphic novels, bpal, ice cream, India, Antarctica, dolphins, penguins, jeeves and wooster

Have you ever lied to a teacher?
of course i have. what a ridiculous question.

What kind of book would you describe as a good read?
a well written book. which depends on my point of view and often the day. right now i'm reading the graphic novel of 'perseopolis', which is pretty amazing.

What's your occupation?
i'm a freelance writer.

What stereotype are you?
i'm that weird kid your parents may have warned you about. :D

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
didn't i list all of those above? this thing has a short term memory problem.

What are you listening to right now?
coldplay. and the fans. and the a/c. it's a hundred degrees out. the kid is stimming to coldplay and i'm kind of numbly ignoring it. i must have heard this album in the hundreds of times at this point. i guess it's better than most kids' music or hannah fucking montana.

What food could you eat every day for weeks and not get sick of?
ice cream

What websites do you always visit when you go online?

What are you going to do next year?
i'd like to get a part time job that doesn't suck, or possibly go back to school. actually writing something sellable would also be nice

What was the cutest thing you've seen today?
various cat pictures! and today's daily bunny and daily otter

Does the weather affect your mood?

What is your zodiac sign?
Pisces/Aries cusp. Snake.

Do you want to learn another language?
Yes, but i keep waffling about what. japanese, dutch, hindi, and probably spanish.

Five things you can't live without.
phone (for the internet and texting features, i could care less about the phone part) pen/notebook, computer, pain meds

If you could meet anyone now, who would you meet?
john barrowman, robert sean leonard, hugh laurie, stephen fry, gareth david-lloyd, olivia wilde (in no particular order)

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
i miss you, dad. i love you. <3

What are you looking forward to?
the end of this heat wave. the end of phlebotomy class so i can a) be certified and 2) sleep in on Saturdays again. season six of house. season four of torchwood. season whatever the new one is of dr. who. friends visiting. going on a trip alone again.

Say something to the person who tagged you.
hi cindy i love you <3

too hot to live, phin goes blah blah blah

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