dark dark dark

Jul 28, 2009 08:43

so i'm sitting here in the dark with all of the windows covered and blinds shut and my fan blowing on me. air conditioner unit being delivered tomorrow, thank god. anyone know how to go about installing one of those? chris has gone out to the drugstore to get more fans and frappucinos for the meantime.

clickies today thanks to thedeadparrot and nightdog_barks:

this photo (worksafe) will amuse Classic Star Trek geeks (i'm thinking of arhh)

alcohol filled brawl clouds maine codfish races. The codfish race in general is a whole load of WTFery.

today's daily otter is even more adorable than usual.

william shatner reads palin farewell address I LOVE IT. BEST THING EVER. IT IS A POME. (also worksafe)

it's hot.

i hope it's nicer where you are.
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