
Jun 17, 2009 09:57

brought to you today by cindy_lou_who8:

mexican cocaine hidden in frozen sharks

kitten found in streetside mailbox

flames destroy Sir Edmund Hillary's old hut

antarctic buskers raise money for worldwide event

netbook briefly lost in fedex shipping hell but is on its way out for delivery now. (how is it that i never have problems with UPS and fedex is a constant source of agita?) hoping to have the memory upgrade and OS upgrade settled by 1:00 so I can take it with me to the doctor's office (hoping to maybe do some beta-ing on the bus/in the waiting room should it be possible). if not, well, there's always the rest of the afternoon.

dalek still in pieces in box. will put it together tonight or this afternoon, i think. writerbrain still not functioning optimally.

(sekrit note that applies to adularia, stef_tm, jane_hidell and machineplay: i love you <3 i miss you.)

more antarctica yay, antarctica is clearly awesome, some people suck, my girls are awesome, my friends are awesome

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