bits and pieces

Feb 11, 2009 17:50

first: my girlfriend is awesome.

second: so is this link: beijing fireworks party that went horribly wrong.

Best part of article here: The main CCTV building is know as the "giant underpants". Soon insults began appearing on websites: "Liar, liar, pants on fire."

third: and so is adularia, who I shall be seeing on Friday when we go to the hothouse (I wonder if I could write off the trips to the hothouse as medical expenses? sauna + hottub w/ optional massage = happier body parts). She told me about cosplay restaurants where you can go and have nice boys and/or pretty girls wait on you. I have not heard of these before that I know of and am very charmed by them. (I wonder if I could write that off as a medical expense?)

fourth: how come when the child takes a handful of papers he shouldn't have and moves them somewhere he only hands them back one at a time? probably 'to drive mother stark raving bugnuts.' His plan is working flawlessly.

my girl is awesome, omgwtfjapan, send cute girls plz, my friends are awesome

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