today's letters

Nov 22, 2008 20:30

dear stanford,
why are your lectures only available on itunes? itunes hates me and this means i can't access them and that makes me very very sad.

dear friends in seattle,

some of you said that you could help us pack and we love you. (we love everyone. we are just that loveable - and hithah did a ginormous amount of packing when she was here but our apartment is at least two ginormice in size. can you help us this week at all? that would be very helpful as we are moving a week from Monday. will provide food and drink and hugs and you can get first pick of any stuff we don't want or needs (there's a lot of that). also if someone could drop off some stuff at a local women's shelter, that would be awesome and i would pay your gas money or zipcar cost for sure yes.

phin (and the boys)

dear katybeth:

can we figure out how to exchange cat litter for cat carrier soon? thank you so much again.


i hate moving, seattle

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