
Nov 21, 2008 23:43

  • 10:58 why are people so BIG on face-to-face meetings? It's the 21st century, people! If we can't have jetpacks, why not conference calls?? #
  • 11:09 i despise policies that assume one parent doesn't work. hello? if i go through pastry school/get bakery job, it's my sleep they're stealing. #
  • 11:14 but oh no, we just MUST go in for some reason no one will explain. we've both met teacherbefore now,kid is not being raised by the dog. #
  • 12:34 hmmmmmmmmmm. i haz a Nidea. *thinkythinkthink* #
  • 15:33 as the great philosopher Rogers once said, "you gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em." #
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