Mar 13, 2006 03:05
about myself:
i'm wholly insecure (i knew this to an extent, but it's worse than i thought)
i'm easy to get along with but hard to like, i think mostly because i'm annoying in anything other than small doses
i'm barely adequate when it comes to certain things, and inadequate when it comes to the others. i guess this goes back to the first one
i bottle up everything i feel, and i knew all along that it wasn't healthy but it's catching up to me
i really like to pretend that things are fine if they aren't, and if things are fine i don't realize it
i have absolutely no idea what i want in life, love, or anything else
about people:
they are, for the most part, two-faced and lying. i try to assume that people are good, but i'm really starting to think that, at least to some extent, most people suck. i say most because while thinking about this, i realized that i have two friends that will be honest with me and not really talk behind my back. one of them does it in a nice way and the other not so much, but even if it's going to sound mean, i would rather hear the truth directly than through the grapevine. thank you to those people, but you'll never know who you are.
and lastly, because of these things, i realize now why i am how i am. i've developed my personality as a way to cope with myself, and until recently it's done a damn good job. just too much driving and time to reflect over spring break made me find myself out. i wish that hadn't happened.