now that i've caught up with facebook, e-mail, showering and eating, i can finish my routine with an entry. i don't know why, but i really want to write one.
this week was incredible, and it's a shame that i remember so little of it. but at the same time, i guess the things that made me forget were part of the reason the week was good, however sad that sounds. i think pretty sad.
the week started with norfolk. i got there on sunday and hung out with my brother and his girlfriend hartley for the night. i got blazed and ate alot of food, one of the worst cases of the munchies i've ever had. monday i went out to virginia beach to get fitted for my tux, get my oil changed, and hang out with friends. i met up with richard, his girlfriend ashley, and laura neser at the mall and we ate and were merry. laura neser and i went to ihop to meet laura hanson for coffee, and that was a great time. i missed laura (both of them, but moreso hanson because i hadn't seen her in about a year) and it was nice catching up. i drove back to norfolk in the dark with no problems which was cool, and i hung out with my brother and hartley more.
after writing that and having it only cover 2 days, i realized that day-by-day of my break is going to be boring and tedious to read and write, so i'm going to summarize from here on out.
saw a bunch of people over at paul's before i left norfolk, then headed to charlottesville for a night for good food, good music (i saw matt's band) and a healthy dose of public drunkenness. the next day i was on the road again to fairfax where i'd round out my trip. i ate great food at kate's house, met alot of cool people (and devilishly handsome! ;) ) and smoked alot of weed. it was kind of a blur of a couple days, but i'm really glad i went. waiting until sunday would have been hard to do because i'm weak.
i did this in a cut because it's probably going to be kind of long, and people just browsing through probably don't want to read it. fairfax was great fun. i got there on thursday at 3ish and kate fed me immediately which was good cause i hadn't eaten. yay for jewish women liking to cook alot of good food. kate and i ran around for a while and smoked in a tobacco shop INSIDE A MALL which was a little bit too fun for its own good. we also went to the biggest grocery store ever with fresh hummus. i was in love but managed to only buy what i went for. after that it was time to be delinquents in a park in kate's neighborhood. we went back to her house after that and had a fabulous dinner. then it was whiskey time and i got a good deal drunker than i had planned, which made me feel a little foolish but at the same time it was good fun. the fun continued until we got back to kate's house and it was time for her dad to get up for work, so it was bedtime.
friday we woke up late, got super stoned (at least i did) with a bunch of people at max's house, then went to play ultimate frisbee when we were high. it was incredible(y exhausting) and alot of fun. then kate and i went to starbucks and got coffee after a quick trip back to her place, then we battled traffic at a few different places so we could eat some dinner and finally ended up at friday's where i got the best burger ever. after that we went to kyle's (i think) house and stayed for not very long and then it was off to sean's for some drinking. i was DD for kate for the night so i didn't have much to drink, and i don't know if it was because of that or something else or a combination of the two but the night was kind of weird for me. but that was ok, and kate got very drunk like she wanted to, so everything worked out for the best.
then this morning/afternoon i left and made pretty good time back to tech. it was a good drive to end a great week.
so yeah, that was really long. sorry if you actually read it all.
now i'm back in blacksburg and everything feels right. i had my week of intense fun and now i have one more night to unwind before i have to start doing shit again.
oh yeah, and when i got back here today i had driven nearly 1000 miles since sunday and spend nearly $200, not including my tux.
stay tuned for a contemplative, semi-depressing entry. coming soon to a computer near you!