There's an
interview with Kieron Gillen, author of
Boom's Warhammer: Crown of Destruction mini-series, at Newsarama. In the interview, Gillen admits to being a gamer:
"Oh, we go way back. I suspect the two Warhammer universes are the definitive gaming universes of my teenage years, and they've warped my imagination more than I suspect would be wise to admit. The first Warhammer book I bought was the Ravening Hordes army-lists, which I picked up cheap even before I'd got the Warhammer Battle rules. I played Imperial Guard in 40K when their army list's minimums were over 1000 points. I played all the way through the Empire Within campaign in Warhammer fantasy as a Halfling demagogue. Oh yeah: I played Blood Bowl, Space Hulk, Advanced Space Crusade, Adeptus Titanicus, whatever. And I even stole my friend’s copies of the two Realm of Chaos books, which proves that I'm truly corrupted by the dread dark powers."
It's an entertaining read.
In other Boom Studies news, this morning I finished reading the last issue of
Warhammer: Condemned by Fire. It was a decent enough mini-series, with okay art, but I expected more from the story. The first issue was fairly self-contained, with witch hunter Magnus Gault cleaning out a town, and enjoyable, but after that each issue leads directly into the next and by the end we have Gault, a dwarf, and a human warrior attacking and destroying a large Skaven force. All in all, not as good as I had hoped it would be, but not terrible.
I think my main problem with the story was the fact that, well, it was a comic book. I find most comics (published today) aren't as much fun as the comics of my youth.
Another sign that I'm getting old or, maybe, that comics just aren't as good as they used to be.