rob_donoghue attended a
writing class on Flash Fiction. I'm glad he did, because otherwise it may have been several more years before I heard the term.
I found a copy of
Flash Fiction Forward yesterday and started reading it last night night; so far, Cynthia Anderson's "Baker's Helper" first published in
The Iowa Review -- is my favorite story. In the story, a young girl constantly returns to the same bakery where an employee -- the reader -- notices that she always visits and never buys.
"Daily the girl who doesn't eat is thinner but beautiful as you wait, watching, until one afternoon she struggles to rise from the case and you realize she is disappearing."
The story is only 3-pages of the 240-page book. In total, the book holds 80 stories. I've read 20 of them so far.
Flash fiction may very well be the key I've been looking for. I frequently try to write fiction, and fail, but I think this is a format that I can succeed in. At least, if I measure success as "I'm happy with the result."
So thank you, Rob. Your willingness to take a chance on a writing class, and to talk about the experience, has pointed me in a new direction.