(no subject)

Aug 02, 2010 22:13

part of being an adult (and moving) requires LOTS of errand-running. when i was younger i used to think my mother was running "aarons", because that's what it sounded like, and i knew what she meant anyway. she had to drive around and do a bunch of stuff that let us continue to live the way we had been going on. made sense.

i'm not getting a bed till wednesday, so that means i'm still spending tuesday night here, with potentially no food? i suppose i could just sleep on the couch/on a lot of blankets if i get all my stuff out of here on time. i'm just postponing it because of the bed, really.

the neighborhood i'm moving to is louder, for sure, but i know i can get used to it. and i'm on the second floor, which i know i'm going to love. my room is pretty spacious too.

people aren't moving in till next week, and jake is moving out on saturday, so i'll have the house to myself for a few days? weird. it'll give me time to go grocery shopping at least because i basically have no food that i can make right now. (most of the dishes are jack and mike's, and they're leaving earlier than i am.) just feels like it's going too fast.

teaching holt's band camp was really eye-opening. it makes me have a lot more respect for music educators and the training they have to go through to understands kids and how to work with them. the clarinets were really spacey when i gave them a break or if i just seemed unsure about what we were going to do next. sectionals were my only real responsibility other than helping when they were learning new drill, and even that seemed really hard. music ed kids, i salute you!

the staff were great though. it's nice to have a group of people to just hang out with and be college kids/sometimes adults with. we had a blast and if i can i'll probably doing it again next year. we'll see about internships and such.

right now i feel like i'm kind of floating. there's a lot of planning that needs to be done for psi this year, there's a lot of talking to people and having long conversations and such. there's a lot of planning for my personal growth that needs to be done, but i think that since i'm not in class right now and work doesn't take much mental stimulation, i feel kind of lost. i hope that once i leave school this won't happen again. i mean obviously i hope to have a job by then or at least an internship of some sort. i hate feeling useless and behind and drifting. i hate feeling like the direction that i want to go in is too hard, or takes too much time, or feels wrong.

it's times like this i think there might be something actually wrong with me, and not just hypochondriac-ly.
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