It was fun. It was funny.
But. Mainly, it felt like we were marking time. And, honestly, I can barely manage to think back on this episode when the promo for next week has me going: HOLY CRAP! I want next week's episode NOW!!!!!! *flailty flail*
Also, this may make no sense whatsoever, but it feels like we haven't had any alone time with Sam and Dean for a while. That is to say, we haven't seen them on their own much lately, interacting one on one in a way that doesn't deal directly with whatever case they're currently working on. It seems like there's been no quiet time, no down time. No intimate moments of angsty revelation. I don't even remember the last time we saw them just driving along in the car. It almost feels like attention has been drawn away from them, in a way, even in situations that are clearly about them (such as the brother parallels in 5.08). Yeah, I'm not even completely sure what I'm getting at. Just a vague, indirect sense of distance. (Note: it's not necessarily a complaint... it's just a... something.... Err, yeah, I dunno. *rambles*)
While the boys have been busybusybusy these past few episodes, they haven't been busy with the apocalypse. And, fuck, am I ready for that!
Next week looks like it'll finally bring some of that main course to the table. Yay!
- For anyone who missed it:
Dom Monaghan on Kimmel, November 11th, part one and
part two.
I'm very fond of his snake. (wot?)
- Don't forget that
The Prisoner starts this Sunday on AMC at 8 p.m. EST.
I loved the original series with Patrick McGoohan (I may possibly be able to recite the opening sequence dialogue verbatim), and hope this update remains loyal to that (it looks like they kept Rover, hee!). But I'll be watching no matter what because: Sir Ian Freakin' McKellen!!
- Also, dear lord, do I need to see The Road! Viggo! I'm not sure what's up with all the apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic stories in tv and film lately. But I like it. :)