Patrick McGoohan died. :( I can't recall if I ever saw him in anything other than Braveheart and The Prisoner. But I loved The Prisoner. It was trippy and beautiful and mad and mod. And it managed to make a giant white beach ball actually seem menacing. It's weird, I was just randomly thinking about the show earlier today, and then I stumble
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Yep. Isn't tht fucked up? Fox has a lovely track record of screwing with series like that, of course. So I guess we should be lucky that ABC kept PD as long as they did. [heavy sarcasm] I don't get it either. Some people have said that his style is too niche and doesn't have wide appeal, but I don't buy that at all. It's quirky, which--granted--isn't everyone's cup of tea. But given the success of quirky movies like Juno and Little Miss Sunshine in recent years, it's clear that there IS an audience (and not a tiny one, by any means) for smart, quirky tv and film. Poor Bryan just can't catch a break. :(
Hee. Isn't "A Day in the Life of Jared and Jensen" awesome? From everything I've seen, it's safe to say they are both very generous with their fans. They've gone out of their way so many times to meet fans and give back, and it just makes me adore them more. :)
Sugar lumps! *giggles* Yes, totally! And the serious looks on their faces (especially Jemaine's, hee) make the dancing even funnier. Those two are made of so much win.
You're totally right. I blame the Nielson ratings for that. It's an outdated system, why do they still use it? >_< I just don't get it.
Yeah, the Jared & Jensen featurette is really cute! I expected Jensen to be a bit of a goofball (probably because Dean is always cracking jokes and sarcastic comments), but I was kind of surprised to see how bubbly and silly Jared can be (probably because Sam is mostly a serious person). I know they're not the characters they play, but you know. :P
LOL, yes, Jemaine's serious faces will always be funny. <333
Hee. Yep, Jared is such a gigantic dork (kind of literally!). It's true, you'd never know it from his character at all--Sam's often so very emo. *g* It's almost like they're reversed: in RL Jensen's a bit more reserved, and Jared's the more openly exuberant and outgoing one. :)
Definitely! He makes the best faces.
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