I haven't had much to say lately. Evidently I still don't.
Therefore I meme.
Snagged from
Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, and what significance it has.
Viggo childpose by
masked_graphics I love Viggo Mortensen. He's beautiful, intelligent, funny, talented (in way too many media) and mad as a fish. It's rare that you see him looking innocent, but he actually does a good job of fooling you into thinking he might just be in this image. Not that I buy it. That said, I do think there is a childlike quality about him sometimes-a constant curiosity that I appreciate and can relate to.
Claire (SFU) by
cartographies This is my only remaining uploaded icon of Six Feet Under, which is a shame because I love all of the main characters from that show and many of the minor ones as well. Certainly one of the best series ever produced for television. This particular image of Claire with her infamous green hearse in the background has amazing color and motion to it. Not only does it represent my love of the show, but it speaks volumes about wanderlust, expectancy, hope, desire and mortality. Also? Hurray for redheads. ;)
naiant by non-essentials (user no longer active)
I don't know where this image came from. I don't know what the background text came from. But the grace and playfulness in this icon captivated me. It also contains a great sense of nostalgia and wistfulness. Labeled it "naiant" because not only is the girl breaking into the water where, presumably, she's about to go swimming (or drown herself if you're a more maudlin type), but with the figure's back turned and with the palimpsest of text, there's this notion of something hidden-something floating up to the surface. And, with her arms outspread, it's like she's already floating, anticipating the freeing of her spirit in water. I'm such a friggin' water sign, it's almost pathetic.
Sam o_O by
bittersweet_art Sammy is shocked. Can you tell? He's very subtle. *grin* I love the look on his face here. I love Sam. I love Supernatural. (What a shocking revelation that is.) If I had more room, I'd have a ton more SPN icons. In fact, I just renewed my paid account earlier, and filled almost all of my newly-gained free userpic spaces with SPN or SPN-related icons.
graffiti of hope by
austereabsence This functions as my politcal/activist/anti-Bush/pro-Obama icon. I don't usually like text icons, but this one, being a photograph of graffiti, felt different. It's a nice "fuck you," with a positive, reconstructive slant.
curtains! by
icons_yey Hee! Quote from the awesome Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Spoken by Captain Hammer (see clever hammer logo), as played by the adorable Nathan Fillion. I <3 Joss Whedon. He always makes me laugh. (And cry. And pull my hair out. And salivate. And rant. And roll my eyes. And cry. And laugh again.)
madmen by
_exentric_ Oh, look, it's Viggo again! And that man upon whom I've crushed for over 5 years, Dominic Monaghan. In slashy terms, Dom/Viggo always has been and still is one of my absolute favorite pairings ever. In non-slashy terms, this says everything it needs to about the love and lasting friendships among the LOTR cast. That something as silly as headbutting became a sign of affection between the members of the fellowship still makes me giggle. Labeled it "madmen" because, well, they're both nutters, aren't they?
Neville herbology by
autumn_faerie Neville! My Harry Potter love has waned a bit since the inundation of OotP and the final book last summer. But I still love it, and Neville is my favoritest of HP characters. Hell, I even named my iPod after him. (Of course, if I'd gotten my iPod today, I would have named it Winchester or something along those lines, but still.) Neville's sweet, awkward (initially), shy, much smarter than he appears, nature-loving and a badass motherfucker. *g* This icon was custom made for me by the awesome
autumn_faerie and I loves it, preciousss. (Also, Matthew Lewis-who plays Neville in the movies-has grown into a total hotass. WTF, that still messes with my head.)
House subtle by anikafp (no longer active)
Pretty self-explanatory. You don't get much more uncouth than Dr. Gregory House. He's like the Anthony Bourdain of fictional medicine. Crass, snarky, intelligent, curmudgeonly, no stranger to the innuendo and totally awesome.
Jensen hands by me
I suck at icon-making, but I never could find an icon that cropped
this hauntingly beautiful picture of Jensen Ackles the way I wanted it. So I tried it myself. Luckily, Jensen's beauty overshadows my shoddy icon-making skills. Gawd, he has gorgeous hands. He has a gorgeous everything. Even though I haven't seen everything, I'm sure of it. Fuck, that man kills me. He's the only one who's ever been able to usurp my Dom crush.
Jared & pups by
icons_de_smidge I think this was taken from an ad Jared did for Peta. I'm not crazy about Peta (they're focus is a little off in some places... I mean, campaigning for vegetarianism? come on), but I am crazy about animals and Jared Padalecki and Jared's love of his two beautiful animals, Sadie and Harley (both of whom are rescue dogs). I'm mainly a cat person, but I love dogs very much too and this fulfills my need for more dog icons (and more SPN icons too).
Padatease by
bittersweet_art Okay, I am a total Jensen/Dean girl, but this meme is picking out most of my Jared/Sam icons instead. LOL Oh well, I love them both. This is from the recent convention in Dallas, held a few months back. During the brunch, Jared was nervous and sweating like a... well, like only he can (seriously, he must have extra sweat glands in that 6'5" body of his) and he started doing a little striptease of sorts in an attempt to cool himself off. Which does absolutely nothing to help cool off the fangirls and fanboys. Christ, look at that hip crease. Fucking tease.