Christians Run

Oct 31, 2005 22:06

You know, there are a lot of reasons that organized religions don't work in my mind. I know they work for some. From my experiences, simply put, power corrupts. Your faith can be tested in many ways but my last experience with organized religion brought forth the full colors of the corrupt rainbow. Before any of you jump to conclusions about me being a bitter person when you read this, just know, that the experiences that I had that inspired me to write this were real, very real. And the last person that you would have expected to lie was the first. Not a Christian within a thousand miles would have thought otherwise if I would have chosen to release the information that I had. In doing so, it would have divided a church. Instead, I remained silent, except for the few that knew who tried to comfort me. Here is the place I chose to vent my frustration about someone abusing God's santuary and forsaking one of the commandmants while getting paid to do "God's will". And I call this, "MCCOOR, Pull your faith".

Tears are useful when you have no substance
Stands on Sundays and preaches last years sermons
He can't be trusted, sold his soul for a passage
Sleeps with his partner's friends, yet he spreads the message?

A mortal man he claims to be
An excuse for his sins, it's the scapegoat he needs
Justify his sins from last weeks visits
Hides on the pulpit and scopes next weeks conquests

"Everyman does this deed", he claims...
While he stands on his podium and preaches God's way
Well, I've been lied about by this man of "faith"
How to deal with lies when the devil is in the way?
It's in plain view, that's why no one sees
Hides in the light, everyone is blinded but some like me see

I've been lied about by a man of this faith
A slick talker but more like an MCC stalker
He's a man of the cloth but some can see right through
and he can't hide his hatred for those who simply know
Better watch your back, lies are like darts he throws

Don't sell me out, don't lie to them
Was it really worth it in the end?
You haven't made a mark on your immortal crusade
You will just have to answer for you bad charade

Time is wasting and I can't get in
Listen, it's me, please don't pretend.
Who you are today is what I want from you
Be yourself, and there's nothing to loose

I've been lied to by a man of the faith
A slick talker but uses words like hate
Tears are useful when you have no substance
Stands on Sundays and preaches last years sermons
He can't be trusted, sold his soul for a passage
Sleeps with his partner's friends yet he spreads the message?
Salvation in a second is what he preaches
Guess that's why his sins are like sand on the beaches.
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