What a week it was

Oct 27, 2010 15:21

So the weekend lasted 7 days.  I was off from Tuesday night at signoff until the NEXT Wednesday at 7am.  That was a "weekend" meaning none were vacation or comp days.  This is the life I lead.  Semi-retired-Semi-Charmed kind of life.   Great now THAT song will be stuck in my head.  Welcome back, late 90's.  *cue slideshow of a golden age of family, friends, socializing, sport and the art world*
Ahh, good times. 
It's been such a long break I can barely remember whether what I did was last week or two weeks ago.   Wow, who'd have thought I would find Facebook useful for keeping track of things when I keep LJ to do just that?
  • Wednesday - lunch with peeps (love that mexican place!) and then spent hours in the movies catching up.  I must've been happy to be back because I can't remember what I saw though I have the distinct impression I was really enjoying myself. 
  • Went with Paul on my first ride over in IL.  LONG ride, around 26.5 miles. Thing was it was all so FLAT that even the loop from Collinsville to Edwardsville was no effort at all despite the wind. I think Paul got something out of it being on a mountain bike but I don't think I broke a sweat.  Thought about stopping by to see Norris at SIUE but realized I have no idea where he is on campus.   I spent 2 hours in the beautiful weather and fall colors though and completely negated any positive effect by eating at Culver's afterwards, it being maliciously located just next to the trail parking lot.  took some searching but found a decent Autumn colors scene to share with Carol out in Dallas (returning home to LA).
  • Went to rugby practice in the evening but again, had the location wrong.  Why do they make it so difficult?  Actually, their communication is bad so I don't blame myself.  For having so much face to face personality, there's a dud when chatting online. 
  • With two days down I made Friday a tourist day, trying to head out to the zoo/Science Ctr/Art Museum for their late nights.  But I had to stop by St. Charles first for some internet troubleshooting.  Damnit, that ate up my afternoon and to my chagrin, I found that only the Art Museum still keeps late hours on Fridays.  I got to see all the disturbance of the expansion construction; the art on display is poor and the layout is currently decimated.  No reason to go back for a long time though the grounds were as beautiful as ever in the colors.  

  • Saturday was Football, Mizzou Football, Football.  college Gameday in Columbia where they reported the largest crowd ever showed up with the most signs.  And the game wasn't even being played for another 11 hours!.  To take my mind off I went for a ride and as is always my luck, came upon a Rugby Match between the Bombers and the Ramblers (who got pummeled)  I was counting my blessings that because of my required attendance at Goddaughter Kit's play (cast as Young Jane in Jane Eyre) I wouldn't be able to watch it live since my nerves crackle at times like that.  Kit was awesome in the play and upon the intermission and end I was quickly pelted by everyone around as to the score and big plays since I'd been discreetly keeping track of my game texts.  Upon plays end and my heaving the bouquet I'd brought at Kit, we all headed over to TGIF's to watch the last quarter.  Good timing too... instead of being nervouse the tigers took the lead just as we got in our cars and scored again just as we entered the restaurant.  Our meal was spent celebrating and cheering with all the other Mizzou fans packed into the bar and we couldn't stop grinning in incredulous disbelief that finally, our team was performing in a Nationally televised game (ABC) against a #1 ranked team that previously OWNED us.  I'm still on a high. 
  • Sunday I spend the day basking in afterfglow savoring each sports show rewind and news story.  Headed to Cabernet to celebrate Rob's birthday and spend more quality time with the fam.  Shit we have fun.  I don't think I know of any other family who laughs as much.
  • Monday caught up on errands, cleaning and tv then went to Tennis for the first time in two months.  Not sharp but still did better than most.  I'm so happy to be back. 
  • Tuesday - windstorm blowing over the Midwest.  Actually woke me (ME!!) up from a dead sleep at 4:30 am, prompting me to close my windows.  After going outside and enjoying the whipping gusts of course.   Not a chance in hell of cycling in that so it was Foxy's lunch with K and T and off to St. Chuck again to drop off his freshly repaired laptop.  
Only things left to do is plan for Mizzou v. Nebraska on Sat and try to line up a Trivia night (and team) for the evening. 
I love this part of my schedule. 
And this time of the year. (i.e. autumn.  colors.  Halloween.  Hibearnation.)
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