might as well jump on the bandwagon

Jun 08, 2005 16:55

• outfit: Green Pt shorts and shower shoes
• hairstyle: medium reg with fade and loose on top
• jewelry: dogtags and cross from mary
• underwear: Pt shorts double as undies
• nail color: blank

do you:
• lick yourself: on occasion
• whine a lot: not really
• yell a lot: hells yeah
• hate a lot of people: damn right
• have too many friends: i've been accused of that
want to die: on some days it seems appropriate
• do drugs: nope
• wear dark colors: not goth extreme, but yes
• dye your hair: cant
• shave strange places: who doesnt?

have you ever:
• kissed someone: yep
• gotten drunk: good god yes
• worn rainbow: of course
• talked on the phone for over 3 hours: once
• left the country: yup
• had a party with over 30 people: indeed
• taken nude pictures: not of myself.....
• stolen something: plead the 5th
• caught something on fire: see above
• cheated on someone: nope
• wanted to cheat on someone: nope
• asked someone out: yup
• had a dream, then the next day it happens: yeah

last person:
• you touched: Bethune
• you talked to: Brown
• you hugged: Bethune
• you kissed: mary
• you instant messaged: hmm....Mike?
• who broke your heart: hmm....couldnt tell you

are you:
• understanding: i try to be
• open-minded: yessir
• arrogant: on occasion
• insecure: neh
• interesting: of course
• hungry: when am i not?
• smart: im no einstein, but then again, einstein cant break down and assemble an M249
• moody: sometimes
• childish: def
• independent: yes
• hard working: depends on what im tryin to accomplish
• healthy: id like to assume so
• emotionally stable: sure
• shy: never
• difficult: always
• attractive: i dont think so
• bored easily: yes to a fault
• thirsty: this a coke commercial?
• obsessed: nah
• angry: yeah
• sad: not really
• happy: seldom
• trusting: everyone gets one strike
• ill: im mad ill yo
• talkative: cant shut me up
• ignored: they try...oh boy, do they try
• reliable: of course
• self-discipline: yeah
• sleepy: always, particularly around 12 ish
• lonely: ill always have the voices to talk to

info about yourself:
• do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: mos def
• how tall are you?: 6 foot even
• weight?: 180 ballpark
• brothers/sisters?: 1/2 sister and tons of surrogates
• job?: unfortunatley, yes

• what is your favorite band?: all time fav is misfits, but it depends really
• color?: uh...red?
• soda?: do the DEW MAN
• music?: punk, rock, alt, some reggae, some hip hop
• stores in the mall?: EB, gamestop, hot topic, pac sun, spencer
• ice cream?: soft vanilla
• roller coaster?: neh, havent riden many
• candy?: kit kats or 3 muskateers
• cd?: whatever i mix
• cookies?: white chocholate macademia
• juice?: fruit punch
• holiday?: xmas
• month?: dec

in the last 48 hours:
• cried?: nope
• missed someone?: yup
• yelled at someone?: yup
• changed your underwear?: sure
• drove somewhere?: indeed
• talked to someone on the phone?: yup
• been online: uh, on WoW, but thats it
• smiled?: yes
• hugged someone?: yeah
• last thing you ate?: dominos
• talked to an ugly person?: good lord yes

have you ever:
• been in love?: yes
• kissed someone of the same sex: negative
• been in trouble with the police? not to a great degree
• hit someone?: hells yeah
• broke something?: damn yes
• betrayed a friend?: never
• played strip poker?: nah
• skipped school?: yea
• stole something?: yup
• shot a gun?: c'mon now, who hasn't?
• broke something important?: yes, but i swear it was self defense
• smoked weed?: nope
• dyed your hair?: yup

okay last questions:
• what is sitting next to you?: a mountain dew
• do you get along with your mother?: we scuffle ever now and then
• favorite sport?: wrestling (not the WWF stuff, the real stuff)
• been in a plane?: yup
• killed someone?: yes
• kicked your cat for the hell of it?: no, but i used to annoy them with strings
• slept during class?: most of the time
• cheated on a test?: yup
• are you bored of taking this survey?: i was bored at the second question
• what time is it now?: 17:12
• are you tired?: somewhat


1. What's your favorite kind of apple? red delicious
2. Strawberry shortcake or strawberry ice cream? short cake
3. Stop signs - how many sides do they have [don't cheat]? i usually just blow past them, but 8
4. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop? god yes
5. Do you run stop lights? if i can make it


1. Orange juice or orange smoothee? juice
2. Do you like Orange Julius? not particularly
3. Make up a word that rhymes with orange and define it: Borange, when u get so bored of taking surveys that ask u to make up words that rhyme with orange that u actually turn orange
4. What was the name of the orangish Care Bear? citrus bear?
5. Do you like orange marmalade? i like lady marmalade


1. Do you prefer sunny days or rainy days? rainy
2. Do you like lemon cake or lemon meringue pie more? pie
3. Do you run yellow lights? no, i come to a complete stop until it turns red, then i run it
4. What's your favorite yellowish flower? dandylion?
5. Do you like yellow or pink lemonade more? im a fan of the pink


1. What's your favorite green plant/shrub/tree? poison ivy, cuz im NOT ALLERGIC
2. What does green make you think of? NH
3. Do you turn green when you're nauseous? nah i just puke everywhere
4. Why aren't there any green mammals? mammals have the ability to create energy without the aid of photosynthesis, there for eliminating the need for chlorophyll, which turns plants green
5. What's more nauseating - lime green or olive green? sseing as i wear olive green....


1. Do you like blues music? some
2. Does the color blue make you sad? no
3. Why is the sky blue? the way light reflects of the chemicals in the air makes a blue hue
4. Could they have thought of a more creative name for blueberries? well, when there sitting next to bison berries, and you ask someone which ones are the ones that are edible, and he says 'The (creatively-named) berries right there', wouldnt you wish they just stuck with blueberries?
5. Are bluebirds and bluejays the same thing? nope


1. Is Tinky Winky your favorite Teletubby? isnt he the homo?
2. Why do so many old people wear purple? its unassuming and doenst strain their eyes
3. Do you know a guy who wears purple or pinkish purple? yup
4. Have you or anyone you know ever had purple hair? dear god yes
5. Why is Prince so obsessed with all that is purple? purple is the color of royalty, and seeing as his name is prince.....
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